are you tired of doctors dismissing your symptoms or Worse even making you feel crazy even if your blood work comes back normal it doesn’t mean your health is where it should be think of your blood like a delivery truck carrying nutrients and hormones but the real payoff happens when your cells open the package and use what’s inside if your cells are stuck in what’s called cell danger response triggered by stress toxins or infections they go into protective mode in this state cells close off and don’t properly take in or utilize the hormones or nutrients they need from the bloodstream now this makes the blood work often appear normal so doctors often miss the deeper issue leaving you feeling tired gaining weight experiencing mood swings and dealing with other symptoms while other cells remain in a state of limbo visit Beyond bloodwork tocom to learn how you can start changing this in as little as 30 days hey everyone welcome to Dr Josh action show where each and every week we explore the science and principles behind how to grow in Body Mind and Spirit and take your health and your life to the next level this week we’ll be diving deep into the downsides of drugs like OIC for weight loss including the negative effects of losing muscle mass in fact did you know that taking OIC for just a few months could age your muscles and your body by 20 years in a few months I’ll go through how that is and I’ll go through how to actually lose the weight and keep it off long term using vitamins and supplements and the right type of exercise and the best foods for changing your body composition in order for your body to burn fat and so you can feel great and so I’ll get into that in so much more in today’s episode before I dive in though make sure to subscribe to the channel and hit the link in the show notes to subscribe to My Weekly News letter so you can get my top tips for natural healing delivered straight into your inbox on a weekly basis now I’m going to start off here talking about these weight loss drugs like OIC and other glp1 medications but I also want to mention I am going to go through again the Top Foods the top supplements the top exercises and everything else you need to know on how to lose weight the healthy weight and keep it off to for starters here though let’s talk about OIC and other drugs that are semiti drugs this is a prescription medication primarily used for the management of type 2 diabetes and it works by mimicking a hormone in the body called glp1 which helps regulate blood sugar levels and slows down gastric emptying now your gastric system that’s your stomach and so it’s how how quickly your stomach um empties into your intestines and so really it’s how fast your digestive system part of your digestive system is working and operating and OIC was not originally intended as a weight loss drug but many people use it for this reason do to its appetite suppressing effects so one of the side effects is you feel like you’re full okay and it works by helping people feel less hungry and so they actually consume fewer calories um but here’s the reality OIC is not ideal for weight loss longterm because your losing more muscle mass and listen to this long-term medical study clinical Studies have shown that these drugs like OIC and wovi also very similar drugs like manaro and Zep bound have shown that significant weight loss can come at the expense of muscle mass in particular participants that were included in a trial that lasted between 68 in 72 weeks lost 10% of their muscle mass equ equating to approximately 20 years of age related muscle decline now I want you to think about this if you’re taking a drug like OIC or wovi or Manjaro or Zep bound you are aging your body possibly 20 years so think about this your muscle mass your the amount of muscle mass you should have or the amount you’re losing that period of time is the equivalent of Aging your muscles 20 years so if you’re taking this drug and you’re 40 years old you’re you now have the body of a 60-year-old because you’ve taken this drug and this muscle loss has raised concerns among even the most notorious Health experts people like Peter AA Gabrielle lions and many others and these are medications that actually Target your body losing not just fat but also muscle so when we break down this clinical study what you find is is that patients that took this semaglutide drug lost close to 38 lb however 15 to 16 lb of their weight loss was due to losing muscle mass think about that losing 15 to 16 pounds of muscle so 40% of the weight loss is muscle and what they found was is that if somebody were just losing weight by maybe walking more eating a little bit better over time they would only lose about maybe 25% of Muscle Max however in there are some cases then I’m going to teach you how to do this today if you do it the right way you’ll lose maximum to 5 to 10% of muscle along with losing way more body fat so what’s happening in this study is I mean again you could lose closer to 5 to 10% of muscle versus 40% so you’re really aging your body when you’re taking this drug and here’s what I’m going to tell you about this drug right now it is not a good longevity drug it’s it’s likely going to take years off a lot of people’s lives causing major major health declines long term and so the reality is as I shared you can lose just a small amount of muscle and lose mostly body fat if you lose weight the right way and here’s how you do it you do it via a high protein diet that also includes a lot of vegetables and a lot of fiber and then you do some working out via some weight training and a little bit of hit interval training and that’s it that’s the way to lose weight the healthy real way the problem is is that we don’t people don’t want to go out and do the work they don’t want to make any changes in their lives and so you can’t believe that taking a simple pill is is going to fix your problems uh there there are other things going on for most people that are imbalances in lifestyle it’s working too much not prioritizing their health you can’t keep eating ding-dongs and and and you know bacon and you know Pro seed oils and sugar and think that you can actually be healthy what’s happening for most people is again they take wovi or they take OIC and they take these weight loss drugs they lose a lot of their muscle mass and by the way it’s just a calorie thing so so so so what they do is well I’m hungry so I’m going to eat again seed oils and sugar and ding-dongs and McDonald’s and think that hey I’m okay cuz I’m I’m just looking at the scale so I’m actually healthier now you’re not healthier you’re sicker than you were before you’re actually sicker you just aged your body 20 years in in in three months by by taking this drug the reality is if you are on a weight loss drug like o zic or wovi or Manjaro you are aging your body in creating illness and the right way to do this is via high protein diet high fiber diet lots of nutrients into a combination of weight training and some cardio with that you’ll lose closer to 5 to 10% not 40% of your muscle mass and you are going to lose the weight in a healthy way and so there’s really you have an option here you could do it the Dr ax medicine way or the cellular medicine way that I’m teaching you or the conventional medicine way do you want to lose 5% muscle mass or lose 40% muscle mass in that way by the way there are ways in some people where you can lose really no muscle mass you build muscle you lose weight do it the right way and transform the way you look and feel now in addition I want to share with you some other big side effects of drugs like OIC that people aren’t telling telling you today one of the things that starts to happen when people start to have a body composition change by when you take a drug like OIC or a goie is that uh they’ll start to notice that let me just say they feel good because they look at the scale and they see the numbers declining however if they actually look at themselves in the mirror they look what you call as skinny fat that’s what that’s what a lot of the experts are saying is you start to look skinny fat because you’re losing so much muscle and so there’s there’s actually something called OIC butt because your butt is where your body stores a lot of muscle okay it’s one of your largest muscle groups your butt and your legs so when you’re losing muscle in your butt you start to have a flat butt versus a nice round butt which is good for squatting and running and exercising and just living life like we need to being healthy and so you start to lose the mass in your butt and in those larger healthy muscle groups and you start to look skinny fat many experts also talk about something called OIC face which is a combination of you losing some muscle in your face but also being malnourished and in Chinese medicine that’s what they say is when you start to get that sunken in look in your face or OIC face uh you start to look older due to the volume loss and also malnourishment because one of the side effects of gastroparesis which is what OIC and other weight loss drugs cause is um it’s it’s there signs of malnourishment and there’s actually a medical journal it’s the Journal of facial plastic surger and here’s what they said rapid weight and fat loss with drugs like OIC can lead to the characteristic OIC face where facial volume and fat are depleted resulting in wrinkles and sagging skin providers prescribing OIC seldom counsel patients about the potential impact on their face and appearance and beauty and so people think well I’m going to lose weight so I’m going to look more beautiful no you’re going to look older like you’ve aged because you’re losing the muscle in your face according to another medical study this is in the Journal of Frontiers and endocrinology they said the most common side effect of OIC is what I mentioned earlier is gastroparesis but can also lead to gastrointestinal issues so digestive health issues gut issues these side effects are often a primary result of OIC when you’re on it but also the discontinuation once you get off of it this is something nobody’s talking about well one if you stay on it there’s side effects but also when you get off at their side effects more than half of the people taking OIC report symptoms such as nausea in listen to this around 50% okay so half the people taking OIC report nausea also some report vomiting diarrhea abdominal pain constipation now in any normal person if you have any of those symptoms you would say hey that’s a medical issue you struggle with constipation there’s a toxicity issue going on there there’s a liver issue going on there abdominal pain diarrhea hey you’ve got IBS you’ve got that’s a major digestive issue you’re nauseous all the time there’s something going on with your gut well these are all side effects of taking drugs like oing I mentioned earlier gastroparesis this this is where over time you start to delay the movement of food from the stomach to the small intestine and when this happens again it can cause bloating in fact this is part of what happens in sibo have you heard of this small intestinal bacterial overgrowth when food sits in your stomach longer than it should or small intestine uh it bacteria will start to build up that’s why you get bloating that’s why you feel nauseous okay so these are issues when you take this drug and whether you have the symptoms or not it’s damaging your body and also by the way gastro pris one of the side effects there is poor nutrient absorption so now you’re not absorbing your vitamins and minerals as well these are all side effects that’s one of the number one issues caused by drugs like OIC another big side effect people experiencing aren’t just the gastrointestinal issues which are reason enough to never take it or the muscle loss aging your body 20 years in 2 to 3 months that’s reason enough to never take it but in addition people have noticed feeling fatigued and weak and including headaches when they’ve taken this drug sometimes a drop in blood pressure other medical side effects of it include bone loss low nutrient intake and undereating can cause both muscle and bone loss contributing to osteoporosis and osteopenia now again we don’t have any long-term studies on these drugs looking at hey what’s the 2030 year effect of these drugs well we can tell you what’s going to happen weak bones which weak bones leads to early death eye disease recent studies suggested a potential link between OIC and a rare eye condition uh which is a type of optic neuropathy which is nerve degeneration that leads to vision loss is a side effect of OIC as well pancreatitis I mean your pancreas is one of your body’s most vital organs you cannot survive without it and it’s causing inflamation of your pancreas hypoglycemia okay we know this is this is an issue there with your blood sugar levels diabetic retinopathy which is very similar to the eye issue we talked about earlier and then here’s the other thing less calories equals less nutrients okay in most cases and so it’s malnutrition for people and so I would warn you and if you know anyone who’s on a weight loss drug or a glp1 drug like OIC like wovi like mararo I Ur you to share this episode with them so they can know the truth because most people don’t know that it’s aging them 20 years and 2 to 3 months by taking these weight loss drugs and I estimate that there’s about 95% of people that don’t need to take a drug like OIC at all or peptides like OIC and I do want to say when you look at the experts out there that are doing it the right way they are there are some peptide experts and weight loss experts that are very responsible that also when patients come in they’re recommending that they change their diet they’re recommending an exercise routine and if they do prescribe the drug they’re recommending it at oneth the dosage that most other irresponsible Physicians are today one tenen the dosage okay and so you know about 0.25 milligrams versus 2.4 um milligrams is what most people are prescribing it at today when we’re talking about a zic and wovi and so listen there is a time in a place possibly for somebody to take a peptide like this for a short period of time at 10% of the dosage however they’re going very high doses so people lose more weight in a shorter period of time however they’re losing way more muscle mass because of it and so I just want to say and by the way like like here’s the reality I I have I have worked with tens of thousands of patients and I’ve helped a lot of patients lose well over 100 lb I’ve had a few patients lose well over 200 lb in fact I’ll just tell you recently I I had a I was I was in the mall here in Nashville Christmas shopping and I had a patient come up to me this was a couple years ago and um and she gave me and she walked up she said Dr ax it’s so good to see you I gave me a big hug and she said I want to let you know my husband Robert he’s lost over 200 lbs now I’m like that’s amazing she’ lost 80 pounds herself and you know what we did we changed their diet how to meet mostly meat and vegetables and just you know a high protein high fiber diet get rid of the the the excess sugar and carbs and then they started exercising regularly boom lost the weight that’s how to do it making those lifestyle changes and here’s the other thing is they feel younger they looked so healthy when I looked at her she looked so healthy uh and and she didn’t look like her face was sunken in and her body had aged 20 years she looked really healthy her husband was incredibly healthy they had add added probably 20 years to their life because they lost weight the right way not aging their body 20 years now I want to go through the crucial Pathways if you are a person now you’re saying to yourself I want to lose weight or body fat now listen whether it’s 5 lbs or it’s 50 or 100 pounds whatever it is here are some things you need to activate in your body if you want to lose fat the right way number one is thermogenesis this involves increasing the body’s heat production which boosts metabolism and high protein foods including spicy foods like cayenne pepper Ginger and other warming foods are excellent at prom in thermogenesis so getting some more spicy foods especially Ginger cayenne pepper black pepper are a great way to do that number two is hormone balance you know one of the biggest things that’s keeping people from losing weight today are issues such as hypothyroidism or imbalances in their insulin levels or cortisol levels and this leads to weight gain and it and also making it harder to lose weight you might be one of those people who maybe have started eating healthier and you started doing some exercise and the weight’s still not coming off well why is that well we really need to go and address the hormonal issues and addressing these issues with diet and herbal interventions can have a really really big impact I’m going to go through exactly how to do that today also here’s another big one calorie control here’s the reality calories do matter now I do want to say that it is not the calories in a Snicker bar are not the same as the calories in an apple okay even if it was the exactly equal amount of calories the calories in an apple will help you lose more weight however for some people you do need to be a little bit calor conscious uh but it’s not everybody most people lose weight without counting and focusing on calories however some people you do want to look at the calories and and what I found with most people if they’re having an issue with weight loss and they’re eating healthy and it’s still not coming off the calorie issue tends to be though they’re eating very healthy they’re eating too many fats and carbs together in meal this is a secret not a lot of people talk about if you want to lose weight you can do high protein and high fat you’ll lose weight you can do just high protein you’ll lose weight but doing high fat and high carbs together or even moderate of both makes it hard to lose weight okay you always want to focus on high protein and then you can kind of do moderate to low fat and carbs or just moderate to high fat with very low carbs those are the two ways to lose weight for most people if if you were running into an obstacle though you’re eating healthy so for instance even though almond butter is considered a healthy food and um sourdough bread and bananas maybe are considered healthy food if you’re eating a lot of nut butter and bananas or nut butter and Ezekiel bread or sourdough bread you’re still it’s going to cause you to gain weight okay carbs plus fat a lot of times in meals together is not ideal for weight loss but here’s the reality if you’re eating again here’s the thing I want to tell you eat eat a lot of protein eat a lot of high fiber vegetables then sprinkle in some things like other high-fiber foods like berries um maybe some some some nuts and seeds avocado coconut olives that sort of thing you will lose a lot of weight and you will lose it fast okay because they’re very nutrient dense they’re high in protein they’re high in fiber it’s going and some of those are high in healthy fats that’s going to help you lose weight the fastest and so let’s go through exactly how to do this a little bit more okay so so my number one tip to help you lose weight the fastest way possible is eat a high protein diet okay you want to consume at least 25 grams some of you up to 40 gram of protein per meal so 25 to 40 grams of protein per meal if you’re eating three times a day and protein is essential for M muscle maintenance and growth and the more muscle your body has the more the your metabolism is because muscle burns more fat than fat burns fat okay in terms of the way your metabolism Works uh and so eating more protein supports more thermogenesis and your metabolic rate so how much you burn fat and high protein diets increase something called TEF so that’s as we talked about this thermogenesis meaning the body burns more calories digesting protein and protein increases thermogenesis by 15 to 30% compared to carbs at 5 to 10% or fat at around 3% so if you’re eating protein versus fatter or carbs you’re you’re typically burning about five to 10 times more body fat by eating protein okay so the more protein for most people the better and consuming about um one to two grams of protein per kilogram of body weight can help you preserve lean muscle mass or again as we’ve talked about take half of your body weight to uh to around your body weight and consume that in grams of protein daily studies show that these high protein diets inh enhance weight loss as we’ve talked about support your metabolism and they’re also good for reversing diseases like type 2 diabetes it’s good for building bone density and overcoming osteoporosis it’s good for almost everything so you want to focus on getting more high quality protein in your diet again as I talked about aiming at least 25 to 40 but but some people by the way that’s for women for men it’s probably closer to 30 to 50 grams of protein per meal and this includes you know grass-fed beef bison lamb chicken turkey um eggs things like uh raw organic yogurts wild fish like salmon and tuna and then you can get some plant-based protein sources like nuts and seeds lentils chickpeas even quinoa I mean these do have some protein in them as well and you also want to do some protein powder I recommend C and bone broth based proteins I also recommend plant-based proteins from things like peas and pumpkin seeds uh you know sprouted grains those sort of things and so you also want to get some plant-based proteins animal-based proteins but the key here is get men 30 to 50 grams of protein per meal women 25 to 40 grams of protein per meal three times a day the second type of food group you want to focus on to lose weight fast is f fiber high fiber diets promote feeling full okay so that’s what that drug uh the drugs like OIC do is they make you feel full but that’s not actually doing anything it’s just manipulation high fiber you actually are feeling full the natural real way and fiber supports here’s another great benefit fiber supports the diversity of good bacteria in your gut it helps maintain your blood sugar levels it actually reduces cholesterol supports healthy bve movements um cardiovascular disease it fights I mean there’s all kinds of benefits there of fiber the American Heart Association which by the way I don’t put a lot of stock in they recommend about 25 to 30 grams of fiber daily however the average person is getting around 15 grams of fiber it should be closer to 30 I mean really I mean sometimes even up to 40 but you should be getting about 10 grams of fiber per meal if you’re going to be healthy but the more the better okay research shows that increasing fiber intake by 14 gam per day is associated with a 10 % decrease in your caloric intake and more than 4 pounds of weight loss over a couple of months so just by increasing your fiber it shows you’re going to lose weight by doing that best sources of fiber are vegetables berries nuts and seeds for the most part uh and then and then and then beans can be a good source as long as you don’t overdo it a little bit of beans like lentils can also be a good source the third thing is you want to get some more healthy fats okay um and you don’t want to go overboard but you do want to focus on wild CAU fish like Sam and getting some of those Omega-3s getting some of the extra virgin olive oil which isn’t only packed with mono ins saturated fats it also is really chocked full of polyphenols a type of antioxidant that’s good for weight loss good at fighting heart disease good for anti-aging in addition to olive oil coconut oil uh avocado again nuts and seeds especially walnuts pecans macad Damian nuts almonds uh seeds like flax Chia and hemp and sesame and then doing a little bit of things like grass-fed butter and animal fats that’s that’s all fine now I do I do want to say again remember don’t go overboard on the carbs and the fats together okay really the the your best off in the morning focusing more on protein and carbs and in the evening doing almost zero carbs and doing mostly protein and fat mostly okay now now everybody’s different and and this has to do with sort of my background and studying a lot of Chinese medicine and looking into the medical literature and working with patients but everybody’s body is different some people do better with high protein and moderate carbs and low to moderate fat some people do better with a diet that’s higher in protein and higher in fat and doing very little carbs and so again some people can do more carbs less fat some people are better doing more fat and less carbs you just need to listen to your body with that weight people with higher metabolisms people with my body type who don’t really have a weight problem in the first place tend to be able to tolerate and consume more carbohydrates and do more moderate fat in their diet moderate to low whereas people that have trouble losing weight they tend to need to do the lower carb moderate fat high protein long-term ideally and listen there is a time in place for a ketogenic diet you know when I’m working with patients who have brain tumors um children with epileptic seizures people with MS so so certain neurological conditions in certain weight loss conditions I really like a ketogenic diet but I don’t typically like it longterm for more than more than three months at a time uh because it’s a form of sort of stress for your body so I I think in that case you know then you add in some more carbs you keep High you know your fat more moderate and that’s ideal for a lot of people long term when we’re talking about the amount of fat in their diet now I do want to talk about a few supplements that are also good for weight loss and I think that this supplement is as good or better for weight loss and maintaining muscle mass than OIC wovi Manjaro and any of the gp1 GL semi glutide drugs and it’s called berberine berberine is an herbal extract that comes from the bay Berry leaf plant and this has been a a berry a plant that’s been used in ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years to support metabolism in people and balance blood sugar levels there’s a study published in the natural Center for complimentary and Integrative Health in 2022 and what they did is they reviewed 18 different studies together and they found a decrease in both weight and BMI and people who took berberine regularly especially when they took at least one gram per day for more than eight weeks and so we’re seeing body mass index improvements so so we’re seeing body fat we’re seeing weight improvements simply by taking one gram or a th000 milligrams of berberine daily and so to me that is a better option then if if you want to be a pill person and just take a pill take berberine hey do you want to have the most comfortable sleep of your life I have been loving cozy Earth bamboo sheet set seriously if you haven’t tried these sheets you’re missing out you need to upgrade your sleep routine like I have deep sleep isn’t just a nice to have it’s essential for better energy focus and overall health these sheets are made from 100% premium viscous from bamboo so they’re quite literally the the softest sheets I’ve ever put on my body not only that they actually help me get to sleep faster and stay asleep by keeping my body temp regulated throughout the night the best part is that cozy Earth stands behind their product with a 100 night sleep trial and a 10-year warranty you can be assured of the quality for years to come this is your year to prioritize sleep and transform your nights visit cozy slax and use my exclusive code ax for a 40% discount for a limited time only and don’t forget if you get a post-p purchase survey be sure to mention that you heard about Cozy Earth on this podcast a better year starts with better sleep wrap yourself in cozy Earth another herb that has an amazing history of I mean this herb was used in Chinese medicine ayurveda it was used in American Medicine European medicine it’s cinnamon and cinnamon has been used to help balance blood sugar level reduce Cravings it also has powerful antioxidant properties has blood building properties I mean so many benefits it actually has antibacterial properties helps fight you know even even flu and colds and and so cinnamon and specifically sylon cinnamon is a great thing to add to beverages to drinks you know one of the things I’ve had my patients take for years is pumpkin pie spice and it’s a blend of cinnamon clove Ginger and then sometimes herbs like nutmeg or all SP spice or some other there there but primarily it’s cinnamon and so taking cinnamon about a you know around 1,000 milligram a day I believe that’s about a four a teaspoon or so fourth to half a teaspoon is ideal and you can do that in a smoothie in the morning you can mix it with applesauce you can mix it with all kinds of things and it has tremendous benefits and that’s another great thing to do to balance blood sugar some other essential nutrients I want to mention and I want to dive now into a little bit of hormonal weight loss if if you’re a person and you have made changes you started exercising you started eating better and maybe you lost 5 10 lbs but you need to lose another five or 10 and now you’re stuck and it won’t come off and you know it’s due to your thyroid or cortisol or insulin here are some tips let me h on insulin here first if you have an insulin issue you know you have a blood sugar issue the first thing you need to do if you have an insulin issue is you need of course for all you need to change the diet like we’ve talked about okay if you’ve got an insulin issue Focus mostly on protein high protein get some moderate fat low carb and then start walking and moving regularly in addition start taking berberine 1,000 milligrams a day start doing pumpkin pie spice and cinnamon two you know twice a day at least um so a full at least a full teaspoon if not two teaspoons daily of that um and then also take fenugreek that’s good for blood sugar balance holy basil drinking that as a tea is good Ginger is good um but but especially you need to take the bourine and cinnamon and fenugreek in particular and then you also want to take chromium picolinate and magnesium okay so if you have an insulin issue if you take those supplements and follow a healthy diet like we talked about your insulin is going to drop you’re going to notice a big difference and in the that it’ll help 90% of you the 10% of you that doesn’t need to drop that where it doesn’t drop immediately or within a couple weeks your issue is not insulin it’s cortisol is is is impacting insulin so then let’s talk about cortisol so when your cortisol gets high that’s related to stress in most cases okay so then you need to really focus on okay you’re too busy you’re doing too much all of the time you’re not sleeping enough okay you need to address sleep you need to address stress and so what you want to start doing is first thing when you wake up in the morning is don’t go and run and look at your phone have a rule I don’t look at my phone you know the first whatever 15 minutes 30 minutes hour in the morning go and crack open your Bible read your Bible spend some time in prayer spend some time in meditation um take a little lemon juice and hot water with a little tea drink that and then go for a walk okay do a gratitude practice while you’re out on that walk do things to reduce stress look at your schedule and write down the things you want to start doing that are going to reduce stress and then write down the things that are stressing you out that you can start moving out of your life okay do things to get that stress under control to better take care of stress do some biof feedback it’s a great sort of uh natural um practice that you can see a practitioner for that will help kind of start to lower those cortisol levels as well but again cortisol is the problem there and then take adaptogenic herbs ashwagandha Romania riola astragalus you know all these adaptogens you know Corps and reishi mushroom you want to start lowering those cortisol levels okay so cortisol when that gets up that’s another big cause of weight gain and if you are going through a stressful time in life a divorce maybe you lost a loved one maybe you have work stress Financial stress stress of your houseal do your best to deal with it turn to God get around other posit get around positive encouraging people that are going to lift you up and support you okay so so it’s cortisol so again biggest hormonal reasons why people can’t lose weight number one insulin we just addressed that number two is cortisone number three is thyroid hormones okay when your thyroid hormones are off um that’ll cause you to hold on to body weight in that case what you need to do is follow a diet that we’re we’re talking about I mean you really want to focus your carb should be sweet potatoes and rice rice should be C long cooked for a long time so it’s like mush you want to do high protein that we’ve talked about a lot of fish a lot of grass-fed beef things like that okay so high protein you want to get some rice and sweet potatoes and berries as your carbs rice sweet potatoes berries really do almost no other carbs and then you want to do a little bit of healthy fat from olives and avocado and um and coconut okay and and you can do a little bit of seeds like some flax and Chia and um and that’s your diet okay and if you do that then you want to do high do probiotics that helps thyroid hormones 100 billion cfu daily at least if not higher and then you want to do a methylated b complex vitamin okay that has all these bees like methyl folate in it and if you do that that’s going to help the thyroid issues tremendously okay um but again a lot of people can’t lose weight because these hormonal issues and there’s a couple nutrients I want to mention as well iodine selenium zinc okay if you have a thyroid issue iodine selenium and zinc are all crucial for thyroid functions and you can get iodine by doing some seaweed like spirulina or bladder Rack or kelp something like that um you can find iodine also in pretty good amounts in uh organic only organic strawberries okay but organic strawberries um and then um for selenium doing things like tuna eggs Brazil nuts are very very high in selenium in particular just do in three you know just two or three Brazil nuts are very high in selenium and that will help as well by the way if you’re a person listening to this and you’re saying to yourself okay I need more help than this I know I’ve got hormonal issues I’ve got a lot of issues I do want to mention that I have a virtual practice uh where I take care of thousands of people on a regular basis via the health coaches and practitioners that I’ve trained and so if you are a person saying hey I I would be interested you can go to the Health Institute and and you can learn more on there uh about um about the the practice that I have and and and helping people because some people you just you need a practitioner you need a practitioner to help you and so obviously I give a lot of information on the show here on exactly what to do that you can do on your own but also if you need somebody to really dial it in for you and give you a meal plan and like everything laid out for you then you can go to the Health Institute you can look up Dr A’s Health Institute and um and set up a call with one of our practitioners that’ll walk you through some things you can you know and and see what you can do if you are interested in becoming a patient or client and you need some help so I did just want to reference that because I know I’m going to get questions about that if you want or need a practitioner um I as I mentioned there the methylated B vitamins another good thing to do is organ Meats as a supplement I think for getting supporting your body’s methylation I I I mentioned ashwag Ganda I do want to I do want to reference a study with ashwag gandha there was a there was a study published and it was done it listen it’s a smaller study but there are many studies like this on ashwaganda and it was on 52 chronically stressed adults uh that started taking ashwagandha 600 milligrams daily and they did this for eight weeks and what they noticed was a significant reduction in stress levels food cravings their happiness scores went way up and it also helped them lose weight in fact they lost twice as much weight as the placebo uh due to it also improving their eating Behavior Avi and so we do see herbs like ashwagandha lower cortisol and have some other benefits that can support weight loss there’s another herbal supplement I love for thyroid Health along with ashwagandha and it’s called fori This is a plant that was used in ayurvedic medicine for fat breakdown and for energy and as an adaptogenic herb and there was a 12we study done on for scoli extract and they combined it with a lower calorie diet and in this combination study it showed Improvement people showed improvements in their waist and hip measurements as well as beneficial changes in insulin levels while both the supplement and the placebo group saw some positive changes the extract appeared more helpful for the insulin related factors and managing metabolic health so both so there were two groups both groups lowered calories one did for scoy there were better improvements in the people that took for scoli while following a healthier diet as well so I do want to mention that doing the first scoli does have benefits there and it’s one of my favorite herbs combining that with Asanda when it comes to hypothyroidism in particular one other um food that’s pretty amazing for weight loss is apple cider vinegar now listen I do want to say this with all of these supplements and all these things that are just really easy to do like a shot of apple cider vinegar a day you’re not going to go and lose 50 pounds doing apple cider vinegar or doing ashwagandha okay but could you use lose 2 lb or 5 lb yeah that’s possible or could it help you uh you know in combination with other things lose a few more pounds yes the other thing though it can also help you feel younger and actually live longer and all these other benefits you’re going to get from taking a lot of these herbals and apple cider vinegar sort of lives in that same realm okay apple cider vinegar promotes healthy blood sugar levels it has antimicrobial properties antioxidant properties it’s really good for liver detoxification and some find it has an appetite suppressing benefit when consumed about 15 minutes before a meal so one thing all of patients do is take either a teaspoon or full tablespoon of apple cider vinegar drink that in about a half a glass of water 15 15 minutes before a meal and some people will notice digestive benefits some people notice weight loss benefits so there are some benefits there and the last supplement I want to talk about when it comes to weight loss are probiotics you know I think that probiotics are probably one of the top three nutritional deficiencies we have to today due to our overs sanitation I mean coming out of Co that became worse than ever before and there is a study published in the medical journal nutrients and here’s what it says it said the intake of probiotics or synbiotics could lead to significant weight loss reductions either by maintaining habitual lifestyle habits or in combination with energy restriction and or increasing physical activity for an average of 12 weeks specific strains of bacteria like lactobacillus and bifidobacterium were the most most used and those that show the best results in reducing body weight okay so there are several studies that show that probiotics support weight loss whether that be through healthier bve movements better nutrient absorption overall supporting your your your metabolic function uh foods that are great that are high in probiotics include yogurt whether it’s whether it’s um you know goats milk yogurt or raw yogurt from the from the farmers market or some organic Greek Greek yogurt from the health food store ke first sauerkraut kimchi cavass even raw cheese in small amounts these are fermented foods that are good for your gut bacteria and I would also recommend taking some soil-based organism based probiotics things like that are going to be tremendously beneficial when it comes to weight loss also the detoxification benefits are tremendous you know there was a study done on a particular type of soil-based organism called ab22 This is known as basilla it’s a specific strain of basilla subtilus and it was shown to detoxify your body glyphosate and other chemicals in your body and forever chemicals so you want to get rid of chemicals and detoxify your body taking soab base organisms and probiotics are powerful I recommend you do both eat more probiotic based foods like the sauerkraut and yogurt and take a probiotic supplement that’s high in these spos and if you are really sick or you know your gut is very um compromised I’d recommend taking up to a trillion probiotics daily very high dose in order to heal your body a few other things I want to mention here are I want to mention tea I’m a huge tea fan you know when you look at the countries where people are the thinnest like Japan and areas in Asia they cons they consume a tremendous amount of green tea and the kakin the polyphenols even the caffeine within tea boosts metabolism and supports fat oxidation it helps you burn fat there was a 12we study done on green tea and they found it it actually improved weight loss significantly reduced waste circumference and lowered LDL cholesterol levels and so big benefits there by the way if you’re buying green tea make sure it’s quality make sure it’s a certified organic or ceremonial one of the two either organic or ceremonial grade green matcha tea now if you’re doing another form of matcha that’s sort of the loose leaf CA is one of my favorites to do in that form but either do a CA or a matcha based tea uh for that green tea extract and as I mentioned earlier I do want to mention the diets here carnivore being one listen I think carnivore diet is okay in the short term for somebody that has mold poisoning or major autoimmune ma major autoimmune reactions and it’s the only thing that’s working for them but you don’t want to be on a carnivore diet ideally your entire life because I think there’s an issue with the acidity there and because of that you’re better off doing carnivore the way I know Paul saladino has transferred into doing it where he’s also now eating some fruit and honey and raw dairy that type of thing but at least being able to balance out a carnivore diet with a with some fruit like pears or blueberri something that’s very easy to digest easier on your system is better in the long ter term but but doing it listen doing a lot of meat as your primary thing you’re getting in your meals that’s a good idea for almost everybody okay that’s a good idea for most people um but it’s um but again I do prefer doing a diet where it’s meat vet vegetables and fruits That’s the basis that’s that that’s what your diet is mostly made up of um and as I mentioned earlier I think the keto diet is good doing temporarily for again for brain tumors for weight loss for diabetes for a number of issues but it’s not the diet you stay on long term you do add in some healthy carbohydrates um lower the fat over time well still maintaining maybe High to moderate fat just not 80 you know 70 to 80% of your entire diet um but again these diets can work in the short term for weight loss for 3 months to 6 months in a really tremendous way um because of that so now let’s talk about intermittent fasting for weight loss listen I have written a book on fasting intermittent fasting I have talked about fasting uh quite frequently however I do want to say my personal opinion is that it’s a very personalized thing when it comes to fasting and I found men tend to do better fasting than women okay um but some women can do very well here’s the thing again it comes down to you okay you need to listen to your body what what I when I have a person come into me that’s sick okay here’s the other thing people that are generally healthy but just need to lose weight those are the people that do the best with intermittent fasting when I have somebody come in and they have Lyme disease they have hypothyroidism Hashimoto PCOS infertility you know low test somebody’s sick okay they’re they’ve got a chronic illness with especially hormone-based I don’t like doing the very very short eating window of intermittent fasting in that case the way that I have most people intermittent fast by the way this is the way that I personally typically do it a little bit more so is that I might wait to eat breakfast till around 8:30 or 9:00 a.m. but then I eat again around noer one and I eat an early dinner around 5: so my eating window might be within 9 hours but I’m still getting three meals in a day and there’s about four hours in between my two meal my three you know between the the those those meals um and I and that way I can still get a lot of calories in that I need to build you know to build muscle and a lot of nutrients in that’s how I feel good and do well and so listen I’m still not eating for about 14 hours a day I’m still on a 14 hour fast um 14 to 15 hour that’s why I think most people should do intermittent fasting however some people can do that 8 Hour window 6h hour window 4-Hour window one meal a day and do really well as well I’ve Got Friends Dr Daniel Aon Jordan rubben uh close friends of mine do Dr David pearlmutter these are doctors that do more of that four to eight hour eating window much shorter they they might eat one meal a day or two meals a day and they Thrive and do well on it I’m not one of those people uh I I know that you know my wife Chelsea is not one of those people and so and by the way I I have done that before I did it for a year or two years you know that the more intense intermittent fasting not eating breakfast in my body I just noticed I didn’t I just physically wasn’t as healthy and and so it’s not for everybody just remember that however if you’re generally healthy but just need to lose weight intermittent fasting could be great for you and what I would recommend is you know essentially just skip breakfast okay skip breakfast or just have protein at breakfast and that’s it okay just get that 30 gram of protein so maybe you just do some collagen protein and plant protein get 40 gram in and then do your coffee or your herbal tea okay in the morning okay so you got your protein and then lunch eat that around noon or one trying to eat an earlier dinner around five or six at the latest and and and eat like that okay or fast completely and then eat around 1 eat again at you know 5 or 6 and and and do intermittent fasting like that but again listen to your body some I I the reason I bring this up is I’ve had people who they they you know they read the books they listen to podcast they listen to all the experts talking about how great intermittent fasting is and they felt worse on it but they kept doing it because they heard how great it was listen if your body is not responding well to intermittent fasting do not keep doing it now I want to mention another type of fasting which is a form of intermittent fasting that I do more than I do intermittent fasting and that is um spiritual fasting or fasting one to two days a week okay when you look at the ear the some some of the Jews if we go back 2 years uh you know the Jewish people that were very very spiritually responsive to God and following the feast days when you go back and look at the early Christians and Christian fathers of the church you’ll see that they fasted either one day a week or two days a week they would tend to fast either on Wednesdays or Fridays or both and what they would do is there was one group of them that would fast um 2 days a week and they would wait until 3:00 and they would eat at 3:00 and maybe at like 6:00 or 7 um or just eat the one time and they would do that on on Wednesday Friday and another group would just fast on Fridays and they would wait until kind of the sun was setting and just eat an early dinner around 5 or 6 okay and and that was the fast so they ate normally so they ate breakfast they ate lunch dinner F six days a week but one day a week they devoted to spending more time in prayer more time focusing on God and fasting those days we also see around the Jewish festivals and feast days there was fasting and feasting right so they did fasting certain times we know around um certain uh Protestant denominations a lot of the Catholic Church a lot of the Orthodox Church practices Advent and lent and also you know giving up certain things certain times of year which sometimes a lot of the monks a lot of the priests and a lot of people in these Church congregations practice fasting and so I would say another option for you is hey eat breakfast lunch and dinner but take one day a week and just eat dinner and practice that type of fasting and focusing on growing spiritually and that’s good for cortisol it’s good for the thing that matters most you’re you know um you becoming more like Christ and so I want to encourage you to consider that type of fasting as well I do want to mention a study here with fasting there there was a metaanalysis done on 27 studies combined about fasting and the adults who did intermittent fasting fasting experienced weight loss of about 1% to 133% of their Baseline weight with no serious Adverse Events 12 studies compared intermittent fasting to calorie restriction and found actually about equivalent results so it’s important to know sometimes intermittent fasting it’s not about your eating Windows sometimes it’s more about you’re eating less calories however I do want to mention I do believe there are benefits of just giving your body time off because some of your organs I believe might be able to cleanse and remove cytic cells and that sort of things a little bit better uh during those times and cytic cells are those sort of zombie cells that cause your body to age cause inflammation there as well so just some things to consider there one of the last things I want to reference here is exercise you know if you’re a person like me and you’re saying hey what will give me the most bang for my buck maybe you’re saying to yourself okay I can exercise three days a week I got one hour three days a week what do I do to lose the most weight here’s what you do you combine and by the way for me it’s never just about losing weight it’s about losing body fat and looking and feeling healthier and younger if that’s you typically your best bet is to combine weight training with interval training cardio known as hit training or Tabata okay you want to combine those two together to maximize your results now listen there are benefits of Pilates there are benefits of bar there are benefits of running and cross cutting country skiing and rock climbing and there there’s benefits of a lot of types of exercise but in terms of the actual studies of what will cause you to lose the most body fat weight training with hit training combined will help you lose the most weight from all the clinical research that I’ve looked at there was a metaanalysis which which pulled a lot of studies together that was published in the journal of clinical medicine and they found that hit training reduced body fat by 4.1 pounds on average while increasing 1.1 lbs of lean muscle mass so doing hit training like Sprints was the most effective for fat and weight loss while cycling increase muscle mass the most so here’s the reality uh for instance if you can go and do a pelaton or a Carol bike something like that where you’re doing really hit training or Tabata that’s one of that’s that’s about the best form of cardio you’re going to do for losing body fat and and I want to say if you’re a person and let’s say you have 1 hour okay you’ve got one hour total what I would encourage you to do for the most part is start off with your weight training okay do about 40 to 45 minutes and then end with about 15 to 20 minutes of interal cardio whether that’s on a treadmill or a spin bike I I I think let’s say for instance you’re you know you want to maximize results hey do 40 minutes a your largest muscle groups and then jump on a Pelon and do one of those 20-minute class that’s going to help you lose a lot of weight okay and if you’re going to lose like like what I would try and do is and this is what i’ have patients do if you have enough time for this it might go a little over an hour but not much do three rounds of three body parts and super set them okay so for instance let’s say you’re going to work out three days a week pick two body parts and couple those together so do like um back and shoulders one day do like butt and core another day and then do legs and arms another day something like that okay and on the days you do button core you know do squats do hip thrusts do lunges and then do um you know planks do um you know situps and do you know some other ab exercise okay and do super set those three rounds of three each and then go into a 20-minute pelaton a hit or Tabata okay if you do that you will lose a lot of weight with when you combine it with the other things we’ve talked about the diet if you ate mostly meat and vegetables um and then you know did some berries and did some of the other things we’ve talked about and you did this you’re going to lose weight so quickly and it really won’t take you much time the eating doesn’t take you any more time this exercise takes I don’t know three to four you know 3 hours a week total you can do it and you’re going to get tremendous benefits you’re going to add years to your life remember this taking these weight loss drugs like OIC like wovi like monjaro could cause your body to age your muscles to age essentially because of the amount of muscle you’re losing 20 years is the equivalent you’re aging your body you or losing the amount of muscle mass that most people wouldn’t would lose over a 20e period of time when you take those drugs so you’re going from from a body of a 40-year-old to a body of a 60-year old or a body of a 50 to a 7 body a 30-y old to a 50-year-old do you want that no none of us want that we don’t want you to be that aged by doing that having OIC butt or OIC face or OIC organs because you’re aging those as well by slowing your your your digestive system down instead practice food as medicine and lifestyle medicine and simply again focus more on organic meat vegetables berries a little bit of like high you know some more high fiber foods take berberine take ashwaganda take some cinnamon drink some green tea get some more probiotics in and then exercise a little bit more mostly weight and interval training if you do that you’re going to get in the best shape of your life you’re going to look younger you’re going to feel younger you’ll actually be younger and you’ll reach your ideal body weight that way Hey listen there are millions of people that don’t know the truth of the side effects of these dangerous drugs these glp1 drugs the sem tide drugs like wovi like OIC like mararo and it’s taking years off people’s lives it is causing them to age more quickly do me a favor share this episode you know share it on social media on your you know on a text thread by the way I’m so grateful for all of you that have been on Mission with me and helping share this because most people don’t know this but we got to get the message out there so thanks for doing so if you’re not subscribed make sure to subscribe we have so many incredible guests coming up here this year in 2025 I think it’s just going to blow your mind the podcast is growing Leaps and Bounds so I just want to say thanks so much and I will see you on the next episode remember each and every week we’re diving deep into the science and principles behind how you can take your life to the next level physically mentally and spiritually I’ll see you on the next episode