you cannot outm medicate or even outs
supplement a bad metabolism you’ve
become one of the best in the world at
helping people fix their metabolism what
are some of the first practical things
that they can start to do remove add in
the things that are the biggest needle
movers food is not the enemy it’s the
things that are allowed to be called
food and then once it’s added insult the
way we stay alive is to alter our
metabolism so if you are gaining weight
thank yourself be grateful because the
environment you’re in will kill you and
poison you you or you will store fat
soluble toxins in a safe placees which
is your belly and your butt I mean if
you plan on eating breathing drinking
you know sleeping for the rest of your
life you are going to be exposed with
thousands of toxins and even in a body
that’s in optimal condition right can
get prone flat from what we’re currently
being exposed to we are designed to
survive and allergies are a symptom of a
body surviving in crisis this is such a
fatal flaw most people make is they
think well I just need to cut all car
out to fix my thyroid and it’s torture
and I’ll tell you one thing is there is
no species in the world where diet means
deprivation I believe that you can eat
if the more you need to lose the more
you need to eat so I always say diet
means did I eat today to achieve
whatever it is you
want are you tired of doctors dismissing
your symptoms or Worse even making you
feel crazy even if your blood work comes
back normal it doesn’t mean your health
is where it should be think of your
blood like a delivery truck carrying
nutrients and hormones but the real
payoff happens when your cells open the
package and use what’s inside if your
cells are stuck in what’s called cell
danger response triggered by stress
toxins or infections they go into
protective mode in this state cells
close off and don’t properly take in or
utilize the hormones or nutrients they
need from the bloodstream now this makes
the blood work often appear normal so
doctors often miss the deeper issue
leaving you feeling tired gaining weight
experiencing mood swings and dealing
with other symptoms while other cells
remain in a state of limbo visit Beyond
bloodwork tocom to learn how you can
start changing this in as little as 30
days hey everyone welcome to Dr Josh a
show where each and every week we dive
deep into the science and principles
behind how to heal physically mentally
and spiritually today I’ve got an
amazing guest on and we’re going to be
talking about how to heal your hormones
and fire up your metabolism if you’re a
person that’s been struggling to lose
weight you know maybe you’re holding
holding on to fat in your midsection or
on your hips and it just it’s been
something you’ve been dealing with even
though you’re exercising and you you’re
eating better the weight still isn’t
coming off I have an expert one of the
world’s leading experts she’s going to
get into this today she’s a New York
Times bestselling author she’s working
on her PhD and neuroimmunology her name
is Haley Pomroy and we’re GNA get into
how to fix your metabolism how to
balance your hormones we’ll talk about
everything from hormone replacement
therapy to methylation and so much more
in today’s episode heyy welcome to show
Josh thanks so much for having me I’m
just super thrilled to be here I’ve been
wan to interview you for a long time I
read your book about 10 or I think
you’re telling me 11 years ago now it
came out the Fast Metabolism book and
this is a book that sold so many copies
and I was a New York Times bestseller
and I’ve always been fascinated with a
lot of your work on metabolism I know
one of the other things you’re working
on now you’re working on your PhD andur
neuroimmunology and that’s going to be
um you know congrats on on getting
getting close to the Finish Line there
you know I want to talk about a lot
today you know there I have questions
constantly from people asking me about
metabolism right and one of the things I
know that you’re an expert in and I know
you’ve worked with everyone from JLo to
Sherer to Robert Downey Jr and helped a
lot of people really Stoke their
metabolism and I tend to specialize a
lot in people with hormonal issues like
hypothyroidism Hashimoto men
testosterone and one of things I hear
especially from my patients with uh
hormonal imbalances is that hey I’ve put
on an extra 5 10 20 PBS and it just
won’t come off I’m trying exercise I’m
maybe trying to eat a little bit better
it’s still not working talk to me a
little bit about the connection between
our hormones and our metabolism yeah
it’s it’s not just connected it is the
same one in the same right so how we
secrete our hormones how we then make
them bioavailable so the body body can
utilize them how we bind with receptor
sites are all metabolic processes
they’re all nutrient dependent right
when an individual is metabolism is so
out of balance to the point of disease
like myself with autoimmune disease or
like an individual that has
hypothyroidism for whatever reason right
there can be many reasons there are
metabolic pathways that are less
efficient than we’re designed to have so
we have to go in and we have to kind of
correct those metabolic pathways we have
to heal those metabolic pathways and we
have to look at it from a biodynamic
perspective it isn’t just that you’re
not producing enough T4 or it isn’t just
that you’ve suddenly created an auto
antib body to the thyroid hormone that
you are secreting it’s why are you doing
it and that’s where healing the
metabolism comes in you cannot outm
medicate or even outs supplement a bad
metabolism you have to actually use the
nutrients like you guys do to heal the
metabolic pathways that are out of
balance you one of things I’ve always
done is followed first principles and
doing a practice called the five yse
yeah in getting to the root cause yeah
follow this this sort of idea for me in
in terms of an issue like hypothyroidism
where T3 is off okay walk us a little
bit through if you would not not too
comp but generally the metabolic pathway
because there are a lot of people saying
okay well my T3 is off so I need to
treat T3 right that’s not the real issue
right so so walk us through a little bit
of that pathway and maybe even some ways
to start to change it at the root right
and sometimes we use a caml which is a
synthetic T3 or a compounded T3 to
stabilize the levels so we can jump in
and do healing like I get it but we
cannot forget to jump in and do the
healing and my goal is hopefully to not
have to intervene that way so our
thyroid primarily produces T4 and we use
the number four because that’s four
iodine molecules okay our body then goes
and metabolizes and plucks it off and
converts it into T3 we do produce some
T3 in the thyroid but the larger
proportion and it’s methylated righted
from it’s converted from T4 T3 is the
one that actually binds to the receptor
sites more efficiently and activates a
Cascade of hormones one of those and
it’s I’m going to distill it down
because it’s quite complex but one of
those is how our pituitary communicates
with our thyroid to secrete more thyroid
hormones so if we just look at that
really simplistic distillation down one
are we producing enough T4 right to give
enough um let’s say a a substance right
to convert it to T3 are we everybody’s
talking about the term methylating do we
have the Savvy Engineering in our body’s
biochemistry to pluck that iodine
molecule off in the right Bond angle
right because you can plunk it off here
and get reverse T3 which doesn’t bind
then so so do we secrete enough do we
have the capabilities to cleave then are
our receptor sites receptive to T3 so
there’s a lot of liver cytochrome p450
that second phase of liver
detoxification that can be responsible
for it there’s a lot of methylation
right which has you know gut bringing
nutrients up in the Vaso vagal nerve to
even talk to the pituitary there’s a lot
of components that are in there the
receptor sites are also disrupted by
hormone disruptors so things like
Plastics things like chemicals things
like artificial sweeteners preservatives
anything that makes your food way more
colorful than it naturally should be
yeah so we got to look at it from from A
to Z in order to truly heal the
metabolism the thing that’s really
critical and was like a big aha moment
for me coming from soil Sciences in
agriculture to neuroimmunology in my own
health Journey was that every single
every single thing that we just talked
about and all the hundred thousands of
nuances that happen within that are
nutrient dependent so first and foremost
we have to focus on the nutrient
nutrition what we put in but also what
our body has the capability of
converting into bioavailability so your
bone is not an apple when you consume
something right our body has to remodel
it so that it can actually make tissue
that it can actually secrete hormones
our hormones don’t just sit there they
have to be modeled and secreted right
they have to bind and one of the things
is is what’s getting in the way so you
take out everything bad you heal what is
broken and and identifiably if you can
identify if you get there faster you got
to do it and then you’re really really
cognizant that you’re not continuing to
insult the body when we can’t metabolize
hormones we store fat soluble toxins fat
soluble toxins create the inability to
metabolize hormones there’s not one or
the other they work together yeah we’re
a biodiverse body having a incredibly
eclectic and unique experience so you
will store fat you will gain weight you
will not receive your sex hormones even
if they are being produced so you can
give them through injection or pelet
them or create your own right so we have
to go through all of those metabolic
pathways I think first and foremost
remember it’s nutrient dependent but
it’s not just what you eat it’s what you
have the capacity to utilize and so like
I know you are I love how much you focus
and talk about the gut microbiome right
that that more than three pound of
little bugs that kind of hang out just
in our gut um all of that has to be
nurtured and so that’s why for me
there’s not a one siiz fit all fits-all
nutrition program I believe that we
treat everybody nutritionally uniquely
yeah and we develop programs for the
body that is experiencing the actual
experience it’s having right now yeah
yeah I mean this is the way that I know
that you and I both tend to practice I
think you know when you look at the top
1% of practitioners uh you know the the
difference between them and the other
99% is it’s very personalized it’s
really getting down to your unique needs
and when you look at a lot of you know I
I’ve really enjoyed you know it puts you
in the top 1% first and foremost caring
I don’t know thank you you believe your
patient yeah period like their
experiences is real yeah it’s true you
you want to be amazing at what you do
like you don’t even have to be that
brilliant like you you can just believe
them well well can I can I tell you one
one of the things that I’ve seen too and
this is one of the things I really
appreciate about sort of the ancient
forms of medicine especially ancient
Asian medicine aurade uh even a lot of
the Middle Eastern biblical medicine is
is that they um they really incorporate
Body Mind spirit and I think one of the
things that’s happened in the western
world today is we’ve kind of said well
you know your mental health and your
spiritual health especially well that
doesn’t even exist in terms of how it
impacts your physical health now we’ve
seen the last 20 years people start
coming along a little bit more on this
of course but we’re still not completely
there but yet yet in medicine we believe
you can serg aze your appendix you can
remove the gallbladder but there is not
a doctor on the earth that believes that
you can remove the brain and you sure as
heck can’t live without a heart right
and and I think that it’s silly science
to think that we can separate who we are
right which is Mind Body Spirit in any
way and have health yeah like it I you
know we grew up native we we practiced
all kind my mom’s an acupuncturist um my
dad like we have massive crazy science
Yeah in our space I was a future farmer
of America I wore the um blue corduroy
jacket I raised beef uh I showed sheep
and pigs like I grew up with an
agricultural aspect of it it is medical
gaslighting to think that you can
separate them and and and in true
science any medical journal in true
science there’s no separation and and
you know one of the things that I
believe is that what’s even more
important than nutrition is your mindset
in your spiritual health your
relationships in terms of how it impacts
your physical health because I mean I
mean I I know in practice I’ve seen
patients who you know they can go out
and eat pizza and W somebody with
inflammatory bowel disease and just
wreck their body however I’ve seen them
been eating perfectly and they have
relationship stress going on it’s the
same reaction essentially that they’re
having so so we know that that there is
that connection there I want to jump
back to something else here that you you
would just mentioned in terms of these
Pathways you know we hear a lot about um
MTHFR right that’s probably the most
important when people are hearing about
methylation of course there’s much
greater than that but that’s the one in
particular that I think people focus on
the most but one of the things I just I
kind of want some backup here you know
one of the things I tell people is
listen just because you have one of the
genes or both of the gene variants that
doesn’t mean it’s impossible for you to
methylate like there are other ways to
optimize your methylation you can still
create methylfolate there are actually
other things you need not just
methylfolate in order to methylate
properly what walk me through a little
bit how that would work if somebody does
have one what are some things they
should do but also why is that not a you
know a sance to where you just you know
right I so I love and I I think it it
pays homage to how amazing the human
body is right and how what an amazing
spiritual experience we’re having here
is that wouldn’t it be cool if we could
reduce it down to one thing so I
actually am uh homozygous mtfhr ruas and
a whole lot of other things that I
should have probably been turned in on
the Lemon Law as far as genetic
epigenetic Expressions um so the second
we stop methylating is about three days
after we die right so whether you’re
heterozygous or homozygous you’re still
methylating it just means your capacity
is reduced so the way I always tell my
clients is think about it is you know
you’ve come off a vacation you’re
relaxed you’re not stressed at all you
you know your partner is just the most
beautiful person your children are all
sitting you know just finished their
organic meal life is good your job just
gave you a massive promotion and someone
says hey can you help me pack my house I
need to move you’re like sure no problem
right that’s a person that methylates
really properly job let’s say you know
all you know what’s broken loose you
know Life’s a little crazy um you love
your friend to death they need to move
and you you drag yourself out of bed and
go help her pack and move you can still
do it it just takes a lot of effort and
it takes a lot of you know calling into
your your energy your spiritual health
your mental health um in order to pull
it off right yeah you’re pulling from
your bank account you’re pulling more
resources so people that don’t methylate
or they don’t metabolize glutathione
properly sodium oxid you know whatever
you’re learning about yourself the one
thing that I want you to get out of it
is that you need to nurture your body
diligently to be able to jump up and
respond to life so you’ve got like I
have an autoimmune disorder right and I
have all the genetic things so it
doesn’t mean I can’t it just means that
I have to be strategic right I I was on
80 to 60 milligrams of prazone I was on
anti-rejection drugs I was on urine cell
me mepron and I said I ended up in a
Health crisis and you know my option was
chemotherapy drugs and getting my spleen
removed that wasn’t an option for me
right so I had to learn how to heal my
so it’s not a one thing it is a thing
that says cool you need to focus on what
you eat cool you need to make sure that
you detox your home cool you need to
probably Do seasonal detoxing cool it’s
okay to not just survive those kind of
genetic Expressions you can actually
Thrive because of them because they tell
you it’s a Playbook right like right
then you need to do lots of fruits and
vegetables you need to make sure nitric
oxide level I so funny enough I uh had
the patent to bring methylated folic
acid from mer Germany many many this
tells you how old I was oh yeah got
cease and desist by the FDA it was cool
I had it for seven years so all the
fertility stuff that was out there had
to run through me it was kind of a fun
space to be in um but I I and I’ve
shared this openly my sisters were all
three were pregnant together while
miscarried together oh wow right we all
found out that we had the genetic
expression to not methylate right and we
all that’s when I brought it in and so
we all have three children because of me
like breaking down barriers yeah
internationally but it’s not a life
sentence but you but but but look at
your body more holistically right and it
goes back when you say ancient medicines
or when you say traditional I call them
traditional medicines um because of the
Native aspect um we are not deficient in
a drug right that’s right yeah we are
not even deficient in a singular
nutrient and and it’s not even a genetic
expression we are in need of supporting
our body based on what hormetic events
what stress events we exposed to yeah
yeah explain that a little bit more
because when you talk about hormesis or
these hormetic events uh you know one
one of the things that I explain
sometimes is is listen you want to have
stress right you just want the right
amount of stress and also have the right
perception of stress right and you know
this is Chelsea and I love taking trips
out to Napa and Sonoma you know we did
this to Italy recently and where where
the where where the wine is the best is
where the grapes are the most stressed
to the point of not totally breaking
right and so they tend to be on Hillside
so you’ve got more of the heat but it
also you have more of the coolness and
then also they’re dry farm so there’s no
irrigation so the roots have to go
deeper to make them more resilient and
what happens is those are higher there’s
higher res Resveratrol there’s higher
higher levels of anthocyan and certain
antioxidants that that occur and so if
you stretch your body the right way and
I think this is a principle around a lot
of biohacking right infrared sauna uh
red light therapy cold plunge right if
you do it the right way your body
actually becomes more resilient via
hormesis how however I I just want to
say though too A lot of people the
problem is that they don’t they don’t
approach the stress with the right lens
in in the right way like I think about
if somebody has hypothyroidism and
they’re cold plunging every day they’re
probably going to hurt themselves so
they just that’s why it sort of
irritates me everybody’s like cold
plunge every day everybody’s like cold
plunge well not for a lot of you who
have really stressed adrenals and and
thyroid yeah it’s super cool if you’re a
35 dude with an eight pack like I’m
sorry I’m just going to say that I’m
50 in the yeah like I had premature Avan
failure like I have genetic issues I’ve
gone through menopause like I got some
issues of I’ve got some hormetic events
in my life right that have tipped the
scale for me to not be in a healthy
space so what I do is I do counter
positive hormetic or like you were
talking about with the grapes positive
hormetic events right to get my body
back into a metabolic State that’s
natural for me so so it is interesting
to me to think and I love infrared sauna
and I’m totally not opposed to cold cold
plunges I love IV therapies I’m oo I’m
not there is nothing that’s bad except
for forgetting to put you in the
equation that’s so good so I I always
say this equation E plus m equals H
right so you have to eat you have plus
looking at it metabolically from the
metabolism equals Health but also you
have to in order to you the m is also me
so we do this like self assessment
questionnaire and this health wish list
and we actually do also um what’s called
a request for care so how to engage with
your Healthcare practitioner effectively
if you got seven minutes or seven years
I don’t really care you have to Be an
Effective Communicator to get what you
want you have to have really good health
goals but I think we forget to really
look inside first and understand where
am I at and where do I want to go and
for me my advocacy work is always that
dream really really big in your health I
can’t be the only person in the world
that came off of 60 to 80 milligrams of
prazone off of Two anti-rejection drugs
and an anti-malaria drug right in my 20s
and live an incredibly healthy life and
my hematology panel is beautiful what I
did was I learned about what was is
going on with me I focused on healing
the metabolic pathways that were off and
if a margarita slips into my mouth and I
party like the rock star I’m not right I
turn back towards healing my metabolism
and burning fat for fuel like those are
the principles and the tenants that make
all aspects of true medicine healthy
getting the H at the end right we want
to be healthy we want to be happy we
want to have vibrancy and why I love
neuro imun techology so much is we
talked for so many years about adrenal
stress and adrenal fatigue and how our
body is adapt right under pressure like
the grapes that you just talked about
neuroimmunology is how our immune system
engages with our adaptive system right
how we yeah how it actually guys it
actually can make you sick it’s the
study of you’re under stress you’re
under stress you’re under stress you’re
sick right and and and to your point
again just for everybody listening I
think it’s so helpful to think about it
like this if you’re going to go and
train for a marathon or a race there’s a
way of sort of building up to things
versus if you go out there in your first
day of trying to train you’re trying to
do 26 miles this is what a lot of people
do have people ask me should I do a you
know a heavy parasite cleanse or this or
that I’m like well you know let’s build
up your body let’s build a foundation
let’s do some other things first and I
think a lot of times we’re in this
really aggressive fast-paced you know
sort of sort of mentality in order to
fix things and it’s not always the best
way to go about it and to your point
with the immune system this is another
thing I mean if you think about a baby
like I’m looking at our we have a
one-year-old right now she just turned
one last weekend congratulations thank
you and um and so for her it’s like okay
well we started with breast milk and
then we added in one single food you
know was like green beans and then we
added in you know egg yolk and then bone
broth and this and this and this slowly
over time and these little micro is it
was natural immunization right you know
and and and so you do want to have these
exposures lightly but if you have too
much you’re going to destroy yourself
right but you also can’t live in a
bubble so you have to make yourself
resilient that’s right I mean if you
plan on eating breathing drinking you
know sleeping for the rest of your life
you are going to be exposed with
thousands of toxins and even in a body
that’s in optimal condition right can
get prone flat from what we’re currently
being exposed to today you know we we
had Marty Marty makery I don’t know if
you know Mar but he um he was on here a
few weeks ago and we were talking about
allergies and food sensitivities and we
specifically discussed peanuts how when
they removed peanuts from the diet well
now all of these kids had more allergies
versus when peanuts were a regular part
of kids diet why explain how but even if
we look from an immunological
perspective with peanuts right so it’s
the one nut that’s grown in in the Earth
so I think I feel like the next coming
massive food allergy is going to be um
soy based because of how we’re growing
that legume currently you know I have
like I said I have a degree in a yeah
the mold and microtox exactly so I do
think there’s an aoxin response that
happens with peanuts the other thing is
when you have a fat when you have a
lipid and a protein together it it can
be more impactful and it’s loaded with a
microtox it can be more impactful to two
things one your imunoglobulin response
right the other thing is your mass cell
production so we have these types of
immune cells called mast cells and if
you will think of them like a big
balloon and in those balloon there’s
several things but the largest part of
them is histamine right so they go out
and they circulate we’re not supposed to
release them like crazy but we do
because of stress environmental toxins
we know this from an Immunology
perspective and we release them out and
histamine is elevated our bodies
immune um I’m going to call it
identifiers they go out and they go
what’s going on what going on in the
environment what’s going on when we have
a protein and a lipid together in a food
we’re more prone to having reactivity I
have some theories about that like well
yeah I’m curious if it has to do with
the cellular you know in terms of you
know your the the cellular when you have
a fat yeah it it’s it’s going to
typically cause greater absorption or
passability to this yeah that’s
interesting yeah the permeability is
there in our gut so if we don’t have a
good gut microbiome and we have a lipid
that has a microt toxin in it which
peanuts are the one of the highest soy’s
coming up guys but I’m I’m I’m like I
said from the agriculture perspective we
have it it’s lipid permeable right we
also produce different digestive enzymes
so our gallbladder if we have one is
more active if not we put the brunt on
our small intestine that’s why we get
sibo a lot of times when we have a
gallbladder resection our gallbladder
creates the bile salts which lowers the
acidity level when we eat a lipid one of
the things that can break down so I I
would go too far into the hypoc space
but one of the things when we break down
those lipids we lower the acidity level
which does not break down our myotoxins
so they migrate further down the gut so
if you have a toxic mold in a fatty food
I love the fats the other thing to think
of is when we metabolize fat so natural
cholesterol whether it’s in avocado
whether it’s in shrimp whether it’s in a
peanut right when we metabolize
cholestrol we manufacture a class of
hormones that are called
glucocorticoids glucocorticoids are our
natural anti-histamines they’re are
natural anti-inflammatories so you
swallow a peanut it’s got a MotoX you
lower the acidity level means you don’t
break your microtox down it migrates
further in the gut the body slows the
metabolism of the cholesterol molecule
in your peanut you now don’t produce
antihistamines naturally so that’s what
I mean by channeling or CH and I and
there’s a million processes that I
skipped in that but basically we are
designed to survive and allergies are a
symptom of a body surviving in crisis so
we’ve got to unravel the crisis in the
body yeah and and and and one of the
points I was trying to make and and
again I think your point is probably
more important but also is that if you
are exposing yourself to when you’re
younger your body typically does create
antibodies and is more resilient even to
the toxins that they you’re exposed to
later on in life and mom needs to be
eating super diverse during pregnancy
too right and out in the farm and
digging in the dirt and you know our
kids are out on the ranch in the farm in
the dirt you know uh it was kind of
funny we were at Disneyland one time and
I always joke that I turned around and
my daughter was licking the pole I she
going to love that I tell this story
back and forth licking the pole and my
sister was always a big time germaphobe
it was kind of funny we were on such end
of the spectrum I said you know Gracie
stop my sister was like get the stuff
and wipe her tongue and you know I was
grossed out don’t get me wrong but I was
like yeah yeah she’s strong she’s
resilient she’s healthy yeah oh man
that’s so funny well I want to go back
to the conversation around metabolism
because this is something people are
very very conscious of they really care
about they they want to fix their
metabolisms and you you’ve become one of
the best in the world at helping people
fix their metabolism so so we have a lot
of there’s a lot of men there’s a lot of
women but I specifically want to talk
about um you know the person with
hypothyroidism the person with Hashimoto
and they’ve gained the 20 pounds and
it’s sitting in their midsection and
they want to be able to get their
metabolism to where they want it to be
again what are some of the first
practical things that they can start to
do remove add in the things that are the
biggest needle movers at fixing and
stoking up their metabolism absolutely I
always say a great litmus test is if
it’s begin if it’s become easier to gain
weight than it has to lose weight like
all of us especially women have little
tricks in our back pocket that if we you
know feel a little fluffy we can kind of
pull out those tricks we the weight
drops off and we’re good and we go about
our lives cool that means your
metabolism is doing pretty good if you
deploy you know a few of those you clean
up your diet a little bit like you said
you add a couple extra salads you maybe
get off sodas and you drink a little
water and the weight doesn’t fall off
then that’s a good indication that you
actually need to do strategic repair so
a couple things to think of is so we
start with like in the Fast Metabolism
Diet we do a to we do a 28 day rehab
right and I think I’m going to talk
about the kind of some of the tenants of
that and why so first I deploy uh what
we call almost like an allergy
Elimination Diet in Western medicine but
it’s a food rotation diet so I focus on
complex carbs for the first two days I
mean lots of complex carbs we’re doing
things and and high glycemic fruits so
we’re doing things like mangoes and
watermelon and brown rice and um uh
sweet potatoes right things that are
going to naturally sugar the body up
there are some stress hormones that are
reduced when we have carbs we do know
that we can model serotonin dopamine L
Doopa pee in the brain when we can
effectively metabolize carbs well let me
just say it’s so interesting because
this is the exact opposite of most
people functional medicine space yeah 30
years though and millions of pounds lost
but I do want to point out that this is
a fatal flaw I see people make with
hypothyroidism is they will I mean I can
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had
people with infertility and with
hypothyroidism and their doctor will put
them on a Paleo or a no carb diet and I
had a woman Rec she was a chiropractor
her husband was a chiropractor and same
thing they had our own low carb paleo
and I saw her I’m like listen I need you
to do some rice and sweet potato
andri because we got to get the G up
we’ve got to fix some of these hormonal
issues and so keep going I just want
wanted to point out this is such a fatal
flaw most people make is they think well
I just need to cut all carbs out to fix
my thyroid and it’s torture and I’ll
tell you one thing is there is no
species on the planet right not your dog
not your cat not I worked with the Black
Rhinos of the Denver Zoo I worked with
chimp pangi population uh in Nebraska I
worked with the division of wildlife in
Colorado there’s no species right
in the world where diet means
deprivation we spend millions of dollars
to focus on the diet for every species
and it means infusing to get the
positive output so I always say diet
means did I eat today to achieve
whatever it is you want like it’s not
about abstaining so when the metabolism
is broken though we use a cycle of rest
and repair because that’s what your body
naturally does the sleep wake cycle the
autonomic nervous system cycle so we
focus for two days on high complex carbs
so there’s some metabolic pathways like
for example when we eat a lot of lipids
or healthy fats called beta oxidation
it’s we don’t ever turn one off but it’s
used Less in complex carb consumption
complex carb consumption engages the
pancreas more the proded gland more
especially those individuals that have
things like long covid that are dealing
with Epstein bar virus that have viral
reactivation of any of the herpes
viruses right we have to heal the PED
gland it’s where we store a lot of our
viral residuals so we do those two days
and then we want to let those metabolic
pathways take a little bit of a rest the
next two days we focus on heavy lean
proteins but we balance that with
alkaline vegetables so we need to be
able to break our macro protein into
micros amino acids it is so critically
important that that is what your DNA is
made of right it is so critically
important that every hormone or peptide
that we secrete in our body has an amino
acid derivative but often times we focus
on the macro getting you know 20 30 82
140 million grams of protein in but we
forget that we have to have the
appropriate enzymatic secretion in order
to break those down and make them into
the aminos and even in those 10 uh pvt t
m ha L all the private Tim Halls how I
always remembered it those 10 essential
amino acids we have to be able to then
remodel those into the peptides and the
hormones right for True healing Critical
with a person with hypoy thyroid so it’s
that balancing of the alkaline
vegetables strategically when you have a
high protein diet but we only do that
for two days because we have to cycle
between rest and repair then for the
last three days of every week we go to
the higher uh complex carbs the the
lower glycemic higher uh fiber based
complex carb lower glycemic higher fiber
fruits and I while I do that so it takes
less stress off you enzymatically now
I’m going to really lean into the
gallbladder I’m going to lean into the
liver right with phase two of liver
detoxification and lipid metabolism and
we add those healthy fats in but we only
do it for 3 days because we need to
cycle between rest and repair so our
rehab goes 28 days so the other thing
that it’s really funny I had um an
immunologist that was coming in we were
talking about gut microbiome and he had
this like Gauntlet the only way you’re
going to ever heal the gut microbiome is
diversity and changing your diet that’s
why I rotate the diet through the week
so there’s foods you eat on Monday
Tuesday foods you eat on Wednesday
Thursday foods you eat on Friday
Saturday Sunday we want to reinoculate
we have to excite enzyme and hormone
secretion we have to wash hormone
receptor sites and we have to
reinoculate and it’s not just the gut
microbiome as far as the large intestine
we’ve got to think about the small
intestine we’ve got to think about the
oral cavity so important right um so so
that’s what we do so if I manage to like
break it down to super simple I believe
in eating within 30 minutes of waking if
you just follow the natural cortisol
curve in the body you might want
nutrients when cortisol surges 30
minutes after you well I want to ask you
intermittent fashing before I do that
one of the points I want everyone to
think about is this is that um you want
certain organs to be resting at certain
times you want certain organs to be
working at certain times and this is why
you know I have people ask me about hey
should I do a keto diet and my answer is
I mean it’s very very dependent upon
listen do you have brain cancer do you
have epileptic seizures right then yeah
right and if you it’s illegal the ASPCA
will take your license away from raising
cattle if you put cattle in a to a Spate
of a spot of ketosis just so you know
yeah yeah yeah yeah so so it’s not the
ideal it’s not the ideal place to live
for most of you for most of the time and
and but but what that does is just to
let you know is the keto diet works for
certain people and certain time periods
if you need to let’s say you need to
completely rest your pancreas for the
most part well the pancreas is dealing
primarily it’s dealing mostly not saying
with other not other things but it’s
dealing a lot with carbohydrates so when
you’re doing it you’re resting the
pancreas if you’re doing high protein so
so so fat stresses more the liver
gallbladder uh carbs stress more the
pancreas and then you’ve got protein
which is more it’s it’s sort of it is
pancreas but it’s also stomach but it’s
also kidneys I mean there’s a lot of
different areas there but there there’s
an element there
of kind of fasting not totally but kind
of strengthening and tonifying certain
areas and letting other areas rest and
and then this is how you’d work out
right you’re not going to go and lift
heavy every day every muscle group every
day you cycle back and forth so anyways
I think what you’re sharing makes a lot
sense in terms of the rest and recovery
for our organ systems right right and
also the biodiversity so so many times
when people want to lose weight they do
the same Foods it’s like boiled chicken
and broccoli I don’t know I’m dating
myself tuna
broccoli I I used to do the same diet
back in in college for a time so so so
that that biodiversity first of all it
makes the body it it it creates
excitation in the body right I believe
that pleasure stimulates the metabolism
I’ll never forget I was brought in on a
job it was to do the movie um A League
of Their Own right women baseball
players first off kind of just I love
that you know Tom Hanks and I mean it
was it was a great what was the um I’m
trying to think of the female the two
female actresses that were Ree and Gina
well even Madonna was in there was Rosie
oon I mean there was a whole that a
great movie so one of the there’s no
crying in baseball so exactly well there
was crying getting ready for baseball I
got brought in one of the women was on
this you know really strict diet for the
first time she was going to show her the
back of her body and um you know I
walked in the room and I’m sassy you
guys all know that and I walked in the
room I said you know who’s going to
return the Southwest Airlines food like
it was just this crazy disgusting little
packaged food that they had her on this
diet to prep for this movie and I’m like
no we’re talking abundance right I
believe that you can eat if the more you
need to lose the more you need to eat if
food is going to be the way you’re going
to do weight loss right so our portions
if you need to lose 20 40 60 80 we have
clients in our community that have lost
100 30 135 uh we have one right now
that’s going a gentleman that’s going to
break into the 200s you know we have
because we’ve been doing this for 30
years we have millions of testimonials
right of people falling in love with
they eat but pleasure stimulates the
metabolism and I much is saying like
it’s fun to have a good time at dinner
genuinely the hormones of pleasure
stimulate the metabolism so the very
dieting or refraining from food slows
your rate of burn all of your excitation
hormones actually increase your your
rate of burn because in order to have
excitation hormones you have to burn fat
to secrete those hormones when you burn
fat versus the carb you get 27 times
more ATP or energy right so when you
have all this energy and you consume
something I have funny text from a
client that says I just ate a cheesecake
I had so much fun doing it I can’t wait
to see how much weight I lost in the
morning and I’m like you go girl right
because like if you’re GNA do it don’t
hide in the closet and and eat food so
on the Fast Metabolism Diet we celebrate
food and the other tenant is if you
wouldn’t be proud to pack it in your
kindergarten lunch for the love of God
don’t do it to yourself you know this
this brings up another point that we
started with in terms of sort of the
emotional connection spiritual mental
connection around eating is that if you
have shame if you’re feeling shame and
guilt what that is doing to your
cortisol what that’s doing to your
adrenal hormones what that is doing to
your metabolism is it’s tanking it right
and it’s so hard I you gave me chills
because it’s so I really appreciate you
said that I always say we’re drawing a
Line in the Sand right now guilt and
shame has no place in getting well guilt
and shame has no way to move the scale
period right well think about how most
doctors that you know sort of treat
patients today it’s hey we’re going to
create fear in you guilt and shame
around you know what you’re doing and
that’s how we’re going to sort of oh I’m
Savvy and I just and I got you know a
million docs in my clinic and friends I
just got medically gaslit so hard the
other day I got crazy food poisoning I
went in he say I want you to run some
Labs yeah I don’t think it’s medically
necess necessary I’m like you know Dr
Wong I don’t think you work for me
anymore I mean we’re a partnership here
right I mean I was very interesting and
I called in another colleague in his
Clinic UCLA love you UCLA tons of Doc
friends over there and I just went it’s
not it’s just not an option to not treat
me with respect and for us to work
together to get me really healthy so so
the diet world is the worst I had no
intention into going into the diet space
right it’s nothing but guilt and shame
and refraining like there is no other
industry that you would say there when
you have gained weight and you can’t
lose weight your body is struggling it
is not your fault there is no other time
in mental health hopefully in any other
health you get diagnosed with cancer and
we say okay you’re going to do less and
your cancer is going to go away but we
do that in the diet space eat less
refrain from food wire your jaw staple
your stomach get a shot take Metformin
it is a sign that your metabolism is off
and the metabolism affects every aspect
of your life what you think of a zic and
w GOI it breaks my heart the peptid has
been around forever again I’ve been
doing this a long time they were using
this peptide probably when my kids were
born right it’s been around for a long
time um I I had a real sassy colleague
of mine said it’s going to keep you in
business forever and it broke my heart
because it’s Wrecking immune uh uh not
just the immune system it’s Wrecking the
metabolism right share share why that is
why why why these peptide weight loss
drugs are are so bad for us so I’m I’m
actually I like peptides oh me too I
know so so the science of peptides um is
a I just had a phenomenal the one of the
big gurus in peptides on the podcast
peptide science right how we can take a
structure and modify the delivery the
reception the receptor sites the
reception and the ratio of secretions of
hormones is fascinating in the peptide
space with this one uniquely I think the
dosage is criminally high right yeah I
also think that we are modifying a
metabolic pathway and not giving the
nutrients to keep that pathway
healthfully modified so we have
individuals that I you know we get
brought in where they are on a drug or a
medication or like myself originally was
on a drug or a medication in my 20s and
we have to back the body out of the
dependency or the need for that or let’s
say a person is on a lifetime medication
for something like seizures potentially
we have to nutritionally support all you
got to do is plug it in and see what
nutrient deficiencies that drug CA
causes oh yeah and if you look at the
nutrient that they’re willing to
disclose the nutrient deficiencies
nobody’s going to have hair skin bone
Nails I mean it depletes can can I tell
you I I think it’s one of the biggest
forms of
malpractice when doctors do not disclose
the nutritional deficiencies that are
caused by the drug I mean and and I
talked about this one a lot birth
control I mean it is it is one of the
absolute I mean you know B vitamins
selenium it’s like well everything that
everything that the thyroid needs
actually specifically is just terrible
and and to go in because I’m in the
research space right to go when they got
approved to do research on animal
subjects not even on human subjects
right they had to supplement in order to
continue really oh yeah in order to
continue ethically to give a mouse the
drug they had supplement then you go in
the real world and you’re taking it now
as a human being and you’re chastised
for supplementing we supplement our soil
we cannot sell dog food legally in the
United States without supplementing it
we supplement every animal in captivity
legally we have to or we will lose our
license right and then you get chastised
for supplementing I am I have I grew up
all my life I am a big supplement girl I
was always interested in it and then
when I got into Health crisis I became
committed to it wow my labs are gorgeous
and they shouldn’t be it makes no sense
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with Zona plus how has your background
in regenerative agriculture in
understanding the health of our soil and
what that means to plants how has that
sort of translated to your understanding
of the human body and and and how we
function work I I’ll give you like a
really basic example so we have in
industrialized farming we have
recognized that we can poison our soil
and we can focus on two to three key
nutrients the number one being nitrogen
right we can give nitrogen potassium yes
phosphorus and potassium but but we have
realized that we can grow pretty fast
hybridized and genetically modified
right agricultural crops in a poisoned
environment with very little nutrients
if we just use key ones and targeted
ones that to me is symbolic of Western
medicine and when we have people that
say well my kid grew up on chicken
nuggets and Froot Loops and Cocoa Puffs
and they ended up actually taller than
your son so I think it was okay but it
is the all so we have anatomy and we
have physiology I have a theory around
that it’s this you aged your child you
not only did you age your child you
diseased your child let’s be really
clear they’re not going to just look
older they are going to have massive
medical issues period I’ve been in
clinical practice for 30 years they are
going to have and and we are seeing it
my daughter we were in Vegas for the uh
NFR right she rides pro
rodeo we were sitting with 20year olds a
group of gorgeous amazing wonderful
human being 20 year olds that grew up in
families that you know they didn’t do a
a bad job we’re not talking I mean God
forbid you have government based food
right yep that’s just a heartbreak and a
half the amount of issues with their
periods and their hormones the amount of
pots the amount of adrenal fatigue and
exhaustion the dark circles under the
eyes the allergies right the headaches
the migraines in that group of
20-year-olds it was not one of one of
them as we were sitting at the table was
not peppering me with questions about
what they could do for their health and
wellness it used to be what they could
do for their Grandma’s health and
wellness right yeah now it’s like my son
we were walking the other day down our
neighborhood and our neighbors
oftentimes come out and ask health
questions and my son said what’s the
difference what’s change is everybody
just interested and I said no it used to
be one on our culac needed some sort of
metabolism intervention now I can tell
you as we walk our neighborhood there’s
not one person that I know that isn’t
battling something from a health
perspective give me the top three things
today in those cases that are destroying
the metabolism starting of these kids
that then we feel later on in in our
lives so I would say number so I and I
and I I’m so proud of people that are
talking about it
now um I I will say it’s the additives
the preservers it is the things that we
allow to be called food that are not
food yeah agriculturally they are not
even allowed to be called food they
should be cons soall ingestible right
and I think they should be called
chemicals they are designed are allowed
in the United States as inestables I
think where we’re going I don’t to say
the word wrong because there every
effort is Valiant right now and has to
happen but I think if we altruistically
think that some company that’s making
millions of dollars right is going to
suddenly pull the product because a
bunch of people are upset about it I
think we’re wrong I think it should
never be allowed to be called food in
the United States period so you can’t
separate yourself from agriculture right
now you need to lean into regenerative
farming and farming and understand what
the principles are of what you eat and I
talk a lot about soy but but look guys
if anybody has anybody noticed that we
have tons of sunflower seeds tons of
sunflower butter tons of hemp products
the reason why we have tons of that is
because all of the soil that was deemed
by the US government to be too toxic to
grow anything agriculturally is allowed
to grow hemp and sunflower seeds because
the basic fiber in both of those plants
absorb more more toxin than any other
Agricultural Product the other thing is
coffee I got to Beef on coffee oh yeah
because coffee is not tested when it
comes through the fair trade act allowed
chemicals in coffee that are not even
allowed in Froot Loops you know I I’ve
had patients who they were addicted did
Starbucks did a lot of Starbucks and
many of them had headaches and by simply
switching them from Starbucks to a
higher quality brand you know whoever
blew bottle stum organic whatever it
just it just went away you asked me a
question that I didn’t answered I’m
sorry but what what are we doing why are
we so sick chemicals additives and
preservatives that we’re ingesting that
we think are food first and foremost I
also believe that we
are disproportionately negating stress
that we’re under right we don’t have
good stress reduction I mean I had a
client the other day and I was so one of
the things that I do as a health
strategist is I integrate with all the
practitioners that a person seeing I was
talking to a person psychotherapist and
I said I would really like her to go
somewhere and he said I don’t care how
much money you have there’s no place
that deals with mental health weals in
the United States and that broke my
heart because I thought I thought you
know if I say someone got diagnosed with
cancer there is you know Dana faver and
MD Anderson
our great friends IM M you know people
that are at least researching and
studying and have some options in that
space he literally said to me I don’t
care I I said you know cost not a do i’
I’ve got to give her an opportunity to
get a handle on some stuff he said
there’s nowhere and it broke my heart so
I think we don’t deal with stress I
think our kids I mean our kids are under
tremendous stress but I also think that
if we just look in our environment there
are so many toxins that we’re exposed to
on a daily basis and I don’t want people
to go around and say can’t eat anything
I can’t breathe anything I can’t drink
anything what I want you to do is focus
on nutrition so that you can be more
resilient in the environment we’re
currently in I don’t believe the
environment is going to change in my
lifetime I think my children’s children
right or what they call the honey
badgers that are coming up I think that
there is going to be some change but it
can’t be propagandized right it can’t be
that cattle’s bad for you or beef is bad
for you or butter is bad for you because
that’s not true yeah food is not the
enemy it’s the things that are allowed
to be called food and then once it’s
added insult the way we stay alive is to
alter our metabolism so if you are
gaining weight thank yourself be
grateful because the environment you’re
in will kill you and poison you or you
will store fat soluble toxins in a safe
places with which is your belly and your
butt yep yep then bind the toxins heal
the metabolism and lose the weight if
you strip your body body while you’re
losing weight you will gain it back fast
and you can put yourself at a huge in my
opinion now don’t feel like this when I
first started practicing but a huge
detriment to being exposed to more
toxins I have so many people that do
these OIC or mjo or I mean we have a lot
of surgery we get a lot of um gastro
guys that send me clients they’ve been
sergici Zed they lose the weight and
they are so sick their thyroid hormones
are off they’ve now got autoimmune
Hashim thyroiditis because what was
being stored in those osider fat cells
are released into the bloodstream the
metabolism was broken that’s why you
stored it you shove it or force it out
and you don’t heal the metabolism you
will poison somewhere else our brain and
our immune system that’s why we have
mass Cell Activation in my opinion it’s
why we’re getting this rash of in my
opinion of uh Alzheimer’s we are storing
toxins and places that aren’t meant to
be it’s why we’re getting visceral fat
why we have fatty liver disease in 20y
olds did you ever see that 10 years ago
it’s it’s wild it’s wild how it’s
increasing it is crazy yeah and so as
you’re saying here I mean the first
thing that’s really the big problem here
is that it’s it’s the it’s the food dies
it’s the BHT it’s the genetically
modified organisms the the pesticides
hormon they’re all in and they’re not
food that’s the thing it’s not food
that’s number one number two is stress
social devices all of these things that
kids are dealing with and what’s the
third the third that I would say is um
not repairing what’s broken so sometimes
we think that we remove the stressor and
we forget to honor the
injury right so that’s why for me you’ve
got to heal the metabolism and you’ve
got to repair or even encourage some of
the metabolic pathways that have slowed
down so use the example when someone’s
doing keto and you’ve pushed them into
beta oxidation that metabolic pathway
has been heightened right to kick off
what they call Ketone bodies a person
says I’m out of keto yay
when there’s been suppression and
pancreatic secretion there’s the beta
cells when you talked about the pancreas
and carbohydrates there’s the beta cells
in the is of linger ham that are really
excited and activated they have shown
that there is loss of blood flow into
that region of the pancreas post keto
diet so you’ve got to revascularize the
tissue that has been insulted during
injury and if a person has
hypothyroidism and they’re going through
menopause or they’re through menopause
and their hormone called FSH which is
follicle stimulating hormone it is a
communication between the pituitary and
the ovary that works we’re going to talk
about uh Asian medicine right in the
triple warmer the pituitary the thyroid
and the lower snia the ovaries and the
adrenals right there is this feedback
loop that happens when a person goes
through menopause E2 secretion I’m g go
Western here for a second is not
happening in the ovaries we no longer
produce a significant amount of estrogen
E2 in the ovaries the pituitary yells at
the ovaries come on that’s why FSH goes
up it counter starts screaming at the
thyroid in TSH thyroid stimulating
hormone come on that’s why it goes up
right our body
responds by disrupting the ratio of
gregolin and leptin so that E1 can
produced by the adrenal glands and the
ATP aites are the fat cells what does
that mean we get stressed more easily
and we gain weight so it is a natural
metabolic process that happens when it’s
not primed pumped or efficient so you
can say okay I’m going to eat less I’m
going to be under less stress but there
is a hormone feedback loop that if you
don’t do something to reset it will
Prime you to gain weight and feel stress
yeah so I think the third thing is
honoring the injury and healing the
and you have to do that strategically I
have clients that I have had for 30
years three generations I want people to
give me at least 28 days to go to
metabolism rehab if you want to shift
things there are lifestyle Mind Body
Spirit changes that have to happen but I
implore you to heal the injury yeah yeah
yeah I think it’s so good I think that
you know one one thing I’m hearing is is
that if you’re really going to
heal you need a system you need a prati
you know a top 1% practitioner you need
somebody that’s really going to help
walk you through how to do this or you
know listen there is a level of self-
learning that a very you know some
people can do and and absolutely heal
yourself in this way as well so I I
think if you can you know I want to I
want to mention this too you know I
think that
um I I was I was uh I do a a group call
once a week with patients and um I was
doing this this yesterday and one of the
things I was talking about was very much
what what you were just sharing of
you’ve got to heal that thing that’s
injured you’ve got to heal it and
somebody asked me the question they said
I’ve noticed that my antibodies this
time of year in November they tend to
jump up right and I said and they said
why is that and I actually I’ve never
had that question and I said well here’s
why it tends to happen more this time of
year now if I’m going to go back and
look at ancient classical you know
traditional medicine um the fall is
connected to the lungs and the colon
it’s connected in the Chinese medicine
would call it metal element but it’s the
time of lost trees are losing their
leaves they’re letting go they’re
releasing things this is the time of
year where if you’ve had something
you’re still holding on to from the past
it could be your shame it could be guilt
it could be regret it could be you went
through a divorce you lost a loved one
few years ago and you still have not
been able to move on and you’re holding
on to it that’s why this is happening so
you need to be able to let go and move
on you need to cry you need releases can
I add something that I think is was
beautifully given to me one time which
is you know they always say you can’t
see the forest through the trees except
for in the fall so your peripheral so
I’m take Immunology into this your
peripheral vision your ability to see
further innately right in our
epigenetics happens in the fall there
are many times where we couldn’t see
other Villages because of the thickness
of the forest when the leaves fall we
can suddenly understand that someone has
created culture there someone has moved
in there there could potentially be
enemy there right our immune system so
when you said they’re an I got so and
this is immune time of year too is the
immune time of year but we wonder why we
get sick and cold it’s not because so
often times our immune systems are so we
are now it’s like head when I fish a lot
and it’s moose season right my guide
always says um you know Haley head head
on a swivel head on a swivel I’m not
worried about the bears in the mountain
lines I’m worried about the moose right
and and so I’m going like this like this
like this and I always go Josh stop his
name is Josh Josh stop it I don’t fish
as well when I’m stressed right when you
with my and I have an autoimmune
disorder and I know my antibod are going
up stop you know stressing me out about
the moose it’s the same way when the
leaves fall we see further we also in my
opinion and there are some thos there
there are poisons that are released in
the plants in order for it to drop off
and die right those are also in our
atmosphere and if you have an autoimmune
yeah disorder it’s like something so so
we have some things that we do and I
know why you do a group call we have an
online community for the same reason
right and we do private with coaches
but we also did group but like I had no
intention of writing a book none I I had
amazing Clinic I had a client that was
Mas novic right he did a Juno 500 Days
of Summers um and he was after me after
me after me and and he he did Lean Into
the fact he leaned into my heart and he
said you’re helping one to one to one
right what if you could help millions
and I was like okay I just never thought
of it we’ve sold Millions copies were’re
in 47 languages like I know that Katie
in Kansas or you know Lois in Milwaukee
like and and the other funny thing is
someone said to me it sounds like you’re
uh uh read you’re reading the book to me
I’m severely dyslexic I don’t know if
you knew that no yeah I can’t read my
own books third grade when I went set
for my last J I was third grade second
month I’m getting better um my reading
capacities so everything was audio out
right so it’s it’s that that kind of
talking and communicating I also feel
I’m again the Talking Stick there’s a
lot of spiritual medicine that I think
is critical and important for that um
but but looking at time of year time of
season but bringing it back to that
person what’s going on with you do you
is there some release that
is not flowing through you but your
body’s calling attention that you need
to infuse yourself with more support so
that you’re resilient going through it
yeah it’s so good you I want to go back
to this idea around the metabolic
pathways because this is such an
important concept for people to
understand and I’d love for you to share
when you have worked with people and
helping them repair their metabolism and
you’ve looked at blood work and done
some of those things what do you see as
typically the biggest nutritional
deficiencies vitamins minerals other
compounds that you think can really
start to help people metabolically right
so I when people you know people and
I’ll like what do I give to all of my
kids teachers every
year say let me give you the gift of
help you know I do believe in a high
quality multivitamin I really do because
I think it just levels the playing field
and I think our food is deficient and
devoid and I think we don’t always make
the best health choices from a food
perspective um I see so it’s really hard
to do traditional tests and see fatty
acid deficiencies right there’s not a
great CBC or a chem screen that says oh
you need more
omegas however we know that they are
naturally the building blocks for they
are not anti anti-inflammatory you don’t
take it and it works like an inad right
you don’t take it it works like prazone
what it does is it is the neutr chemical
building block for your natural
anti-inflammatory hormones we talked
about those glucocorticoids right so I
find that most people don’t get enough
healthy lipids so we use a plant drived
but I’m a big six also I’m not a big I I
didn’t buy into that whole bull you know
what that you just need Omega-3s I
believe you also need Omega sixes in my
yeah um but I I would say you know we
have a lot of B vitamin deficiencies but
you can take B vitamins until the cows
come home if your gut microbiome’s not
good it’s really hard yeah I mean this
is why let me share when I I have people
come in with the and you know this even
better than I do the pathways but the
MTHFR yeah and I always encourage them I
said listen take a methylated b yeah but
take a probiotic and do higher doses of
probiotics because that’s for for
actually your methylation challenge you
have to have and if you have any
depression or fatigue or brain fog like
you you you know you can’t you so in
neuroimmunology right the brain has this
phenomenal thing called the blood brain
barrier and so and it’s what’s so awful
right now that’s happening with
Alzheimer’s and cognitive issues in
general right is it’s very hard you can
hit the body but it’s very hard to hit
the brain we in our neurology department
we have so many conversations about this
that’s why we do things like inasal
sprays if we’re going to use nail treone
or something so that we can migrate into
the blood brain
barrier the only way to potentially get
to the brain is to get to the gut so it
doesn’t matter like I mean you know I I
believe so
so you you hit it for me the fatty acids
the probiotics then the vitamin B I
think it’s worthless to take a vitamin B
if you’re not doing a probiotic
personally yeah I agree the other thing
that I think we are so deficient in is
Vitamin C but I’m going to say something
about vitamin C if it’s corn derived
you’re doing more harm than good in my
in this I can give you a whole a we and
mo I mean I mean most of it’s under it’s
90 I mean the majority of vitamin C
today is corn derived yeah you have to
make sure that you are sourcing non-
corn derived vitamin C that’s my
personal opinion especially if you have
any kind of masted Cell Activation Mass
cell symptomology so you get a food baby
after you eat right your gut swells you
have uh fogginess fatigue you have
raspberries you’re having food allergies
um you get that flesh right response in
the body the vitamin C is really
important like a minimum of three grams
a day from a supplemental perspective
this goes back to my AG base right we
can’t as humans manufacture vitamin C we
are reliant on getting it from our
fruits and vegetables if you are doing a
bang up job on your fruits and
vegetables and you don’t have any
pancreatic insufficiency right so you’re
not on mouro you’re not on you haven’t
just come off keto you might be able to
extract if it’s really close or you just
patted the farmer on the back or you
grew it yourself like our ecosystem is
not conducive to delivering vitamin C
and yet as a species we cannot
manufacture our own so that’s a big one
for me and it became like so you know
you get a cold tixie you know I think
that with adrenal fatigue and immune
insufficiency long covid right minimum
of three grams a day yeah yeah so those
are kind of my like don’t I mean I you
know personally you want to know what I
take I got a purse full I you know I I
make sure I have my zinc I I’m I’m
diligent I we have a lot of individuals
with thyroid issues and I I like the
Google steron I think it’s a a flavonoid
and we yeah yeah Google’s pretty amazing
yeah for that and so um I I I have a
theory I think it helps wash the
receptor sites I think it like makes the
body excited for whatever little bit
you’re squeaking out or whatever you’re
supplementing or supporting I think it’s
like here thyroid come bind to me like
that I mean I I’ve used that even more
with Hyper actually
have you but but you know it makes
sense that’s right yeah it’s a B I think
it works on you studied the secondary
metabolites of that because it was
always so fascinating to me and I think
it has a receptor site component I mean
there’s you know a ton of studies like
you can go to level and Canada and get
anything studied and a positive outcome
if you pay them enough right did I just
say that out loud I did so you got to be
careful where the source is I’m I’m a
scientist at heart we go back to the
Agriculture and regenerative aspect for
a second
we have to watch what’s happening so we
are growing in the soil the stress the
nutrients that we are currently in and
if you study agriculture we raise cattle
I raise cattle also if you study you
know what happens to the structure of
the body if you study what happens to
the health of the species if you study
what your grass looks like it’s very
different when I have my horses on my
property versus when I have my cattle on
the property the fracture of the soil
from the cow hooves versus from the
horse Hooves the nutrients the way with
the four stomachs in the cow versus the
one stomach and no active seeum in the
horse depends on what their poop has
from a nutrient perspective right how it
fertilizes the soil we are not separated
from that so if it’s so evident in our
soil in our land we’ve got to just kind
of not be G I think we’ve been
propagandized in gaslit medically quite
frankly right to believe that we are
somehow separated from the earth we live
on we can’t live without it period so
how do we not how does it not influence
us and how do we not influence it I
always say if you can remove an organ
you know
okay but if you definitely know you
can’t remove an organ you probably
should take pretty good care of it I
don’t want anything I want you coming in
with it and coming out with all your
parts like that’s my hope and dream but
if that isn’t the case we know we can’t
take your brain we can’t take your heart
we can’t you know remove it if we can’t
live without the Earth and the Earth
cannot live without us we need to engage
and we need to look for signs like when
I have weeds in I don’t spray on any of
my agriculture property when I have
weeds I look at did I put the horses on
too long did I leave the cows on too
long did we have you know not enough
storms and then I modify based on that
we need to give ourselves the same
respect that’s right yeah I mean and
listening to your body you know I I was
I was sharing this on a recent podcast I
did and that is you know the people that
reach the highest Pinnacle in certain
areas are the ones that are the most
aware in that area so it’s like if
you’re going to be healthy fostering the
highest level of self-awareness is one
of the greatest things you do it’s like
hey if somebody the people that are the
most spiritually mature I know the
pastors the priests the rabbis the monks
they are very spiritually aware they’re
very emotionally and self-aware and it’s
a very similar thing for your body it’s
like you need to I mean yeah I I know
people love blood work and I think it
can be good but I would rather have
somebody that’s very very self-aware of
what goes on in their own body that
that’ll tell me more than blood work
well we see but so I always use the
analogy with blood work it’s like you
know you’re going down the street you
seeing this place on Zillow well
actually Zillow gives you data but
you’re going down the street and you see
a place for sale and you go I’m going to
buy the house I love it I’m going to buy
it right and it’s been inhabited with
Vermin and you didn’t know that getting
LAB Works like looking through a window
in a three-story house right that’s good
and that’s why we have so much medical
gaslighting your Labs came back good
really but you’re telling me that you’re
having all this symptom expression no no
no no your symptom expression always
trumps labs always if you can get
something to match or marry it can tell
us how we can use mostly nutrients and
my I believe food is the number one it’s
the most impactful medicine we know that
for sure right just take someone healthy
and feed them poorly and they will not
stay healthy just take someone that is
in a state of dis Health you can’t
always repair if you don’t repair the
injury right but you can modify and
change your health for a positive
perspective so labs are I mean I love
them but it’s like peeking in a window
I’m not going to buy a house CU I just
peek in one window right and I’m also
not going to say like I love the
upstairs when I peek in the downstairs
window yeah we’re only looking at one
window and we’re also looking at one
window at a time you talked about
hormones my favorite thing is when women
get hormones tested and they get told
they’re F and it’s one time in their
cycle or they check yeah or they check
thyroid one month and you know in day
three of their C and they check
progesterone in day 28 of their cycle I
mean you can have a difference between 7
325 be normal depending on where you are
in your cycle and they give hormone
replacement therapy or pellet them or
tell them they’re fine it’s the study of
the human I I want to come back around
to hormone replacement therapy because
you said this I got and listen I
understand I’m a male and I am you know
I’m not a woman and so I have not
personally had the hormone fluctuations
those levels myself but I recently did a
and I talked about how my first option
for women is not to jump on hormone
replacement therapy and do can I tell
you the number of like someone and
listen it’s a very specific group it’s
like the 2% well well like like they
were like you’re oppressing us you’re a
man you’re I’m like did you listen the
whole podcast there’s a little like
there was a little one minute segment
taken out and here’s what I said I said
listen hormone replacement therapy at
some point is okay but it’s not the the
first thing you should do the first
thing you should do is try and help your
body make more estrogen make more
progesterone in the right levels
yourself and I started talking about how
you know Chinese medicine a big part of
what I studied is okay well let’s first
change the diet let’s get some sweet
potato let’s do some kidney INB building
Foods let’s do some black cohash let’s
do some wild ym let’s do the probiotics
let’s do the methyl let’s do these
things let’s reduce the
stress and then if you do that for years
and still your hormones aren’t right
well get on a doctor who wants to get
you on the lowest dose while we still
try and do these other things and in
Chinese medicine if you take hormone
replacement you take something
exogenously from the outside in like a
testosterone or an estrogen what they
believe is you turn off your own tap in
your own body and what that does is it
causes something called a cheese
stagnation which actually is linked to
in Chinese medicine they believe it’s
it’s it’s it’s a contributed to certain
types of cancers absolutely and but but
anyways not a lot of people are talking
about this right now and I think you
want a woman’s perspective well can I
can I get one here can I get some can I
get some back up here exactly especially
a woman that went through so I um got
retsat tyus I ended up with viral
menitis was in the hospital for three
with an autoimmune disorders fun times
um how long how long ago was this um
maybe 10 years ago yeah something like
that yeah um it was kind of a crazy
series of events um again luckily I have
amazing buddy at UCLA and they let me
literally have acupuncture in my room
they let me do nutritional IVs in my
room um along with every diagnostic that
I wanted to we have Partners in Care
that’s why I consider it right um never
had another period like I went through
menopause and a blink right I had such a
hormetic stressful event in my autonomic
nervous system and my immune system that
my body said you will no longer ovulate
so um lost a ton of hair it was like
it’s all back but it’s that’s Google
sterin in my T4 T3 and fatty acids um
and vitamins But but so that’s when I
started going bonkers about that that
was not going to happen to me um but I
was especially being as young as I am
was at the time hormone therapy was like
you know you need to get pelleted this
and that you know for me right I need to
understand if anything is right for me
and so I sometimes feel like we get
medically gaslit as women to put a patch
on and shut up and I really is insulting
to me because I cannot tell you how many
times I have had women that are back
converting to testosterone or DHEA is
through the roof which is the precursor
for pregn or one of the metabolites of
pregn alone right they start pooling
cholesterol and now they’re on a
cholesterol medication you pull it
because it’s up chain then they go well
let’s you’re not losing weight your
estrogen level is stable so let’s now
give you a progesterone right oh you’re
not sleeping well let’s go up to 200 on
progesterone I mean it is such a wild
wild west with hormone replacement
therapy and there is it is not like
having your tonsils removed when you
have a tonsilectomy
however if you have historical strap in
your tonsil and you remove the the the
beacon that says there’s a problem
you’ll get things like pandis your
bacterial infection will go somewhere
else in the body right so we need to
understand why there’s disharmony in the
hormones we need to maximize the
metabolic pathway so I always say this
if you’re gaining weight and your
hormones are low do not support your
hormones in your weight gain and that’s
what I believe hormone replacement
therapy in that situation does all that
fat that you’re storing are the building
blocks for your sex hormones so like we
talked about the metabolic pathways and
out of cholesterol I’m going to go we go
cholesterol pregnant alone we go uh
testosterone estrogen progesterone
glucocorticoids mineral corticoids and
vitamin D those metabolic pathways right
and they all balance each other out we
can take progesterone and back convert
it into estrogen men that are taking
testosterone often back invert into
estrogen so bad oh yeah yeah so what do
they do they put them on a remedex or uh
uh tamoxifen but they call it something
fruy for you guys like it’s like merly
you’re on breast cancer drugs dude like
it’s like it’s like we got to see what
they’re and you’re not deficient in it I
can promise you that y so for women I
always say if the thyroids off if weight
gain is easy be very careful with
hormone replacement therapy because
those are two sympt symptoms that your
body saying I don’t metabolize hormones
well we know that for sure it’s not me
saying so so be very careful understand
what’s going on your body try to repair
to the maximum capacity first and when
we do that in our Labs we’re testing
every four to six weeks we’re also
testing day you know day three of the
period so if you’re still having any
period at all day one being first day of
bleeding day three we start counting
from there we’re also counting more like
day 18 so after the ludal phase has
happened and we’re looking at that
ratio um I don’t think they should be
given I mean I think you can take
personally I think you should be able to
take whatever you want that’s my
personal opinion I I believe in Freedom
of medicine I don’t think people should
be Gatekeepers I think if they’re that
darn safe someone that sees you for
seven minutes probably knows less about
you that’s my opinion I don’t think
they’re that darn safe I don’t think
they should be given out like candy I
think a lot of thought the other thing
that’s happening is I was just in
medical ethics um course and they were
talking about that you know this whole
Dr Google that patients are researching
if you’re not doing chat GPT about your
health Lord help you guys get out there
and get super Savvy by the by the AI by
the medical AI um can tell you a funny
story about that but but walk in
informed like so that’s why we do a
request for care so they don’t piss your
doctor off by being Dr Google but you
are the most knowledgeable person in
that space so I want you to be able to
have the nomenclature so that you can
get your Labs approved by insurance so
you got to be able to talk to Insurance
because that’s the only reason why the
doctors are reluctant right to run Labs
what I told you when I walked into the
doctor’s office he’s like I don’t see it
medically necessary let me give you the
verbiage for my chart so that it’s
medically necessary and he’s like oh
yeah that’s right you’re an Immunology
you know what I mean I’m like like but
but it’s not fair to have to play that
game but it’s the reality of things so
from a woman’s perspective I’ll say
having a deficiency in hormon
is a symptom of the metabolism being
off we are designed to go through
menopause and feel
amazing just because it’s normal or
common not to does not mean it’s okay so
be a fierce advocate for feeling a 100%
not 90 not 70 for feeling a
100% get the data get the
information educate yourself mhm and
then make the decision yeah that’s where
I say don’t get a patch slapped here so
that you stop complaining about night
sweats hey hey biggest way to know
you’ve got a good doctor versus a bad
one the bad doctor says don’t read don’t
learn don’t educate yourself you’re
crazy you know versus the other one says
I know I went to medical school yeah I
want you to learn here’s some articles
read up I want you informed medical
school’s amazing right like it’s really
cool there’s things there’s aspects of
it that that are really really really
cool we’re part of the osteopathic
College of Medicine um there’s I like I
dig on our Dean I Dr kleim is like you
know I I dig on all of them if they
understand that they’re part of a
team right and they’re probably the
least important part of the team unless
they’re doing surgery on you right I
mean the anesthesiologist even then is
even more important yeah yeah yeah can
you got to wake up yep yep yep yep well
Haley this has been awesome I want to
encourage everybody to check out Haley’s
I it’s not a new book it’s 11 years old
but it is still incredibly popular a New
York Times bestseller it’s called the
Fast Metabolism Diet eat more food and
lose more weight and this has been Haley
pomoy she’s working on her PhD in
neuroimmunology and um this is a book
again I remember reading this like 11
years ago and being so impressed with it
and um you’ve just done such a fantastic
job you’re helping so many women with
their hormones and stoking their
metabolism and again this is great for
for men to understand and read too so I
want to encourage everybody check the
book bookstores Nationwide is
a great place to get it as well so for
your viewers just I don’t know if you
know this we’re uh our Publishers
supporting giving away free books so you
can go pay 26 bucks for it and fine
that’s fine or you can go to my website
Haley put in free books and
I’ll send you a free book you just pay
shipping aming it’s crazy so the book’s
done really really well um it’s one of
the most uh um
successful books actually in the crown
random house uh besides it was got
honored with both Obama and uh um Bush
uh President Bush um yeah I and for some
reason I wonder why it’s been crazy
crazy successful because of that my goal
is that people don’t I want my whole
purpose for doing what I do is to
shorten the chasm between where I was in
a Health crisis to where I got to in a
health Victory it was shocking What it
Took how many people I had to beg plead
kick the doors down my whole I I don’t
have to do anything anymore which is
great my whole goal is to shorten that
Chasm that’s why we give away free books
that’s why we have free communities
that’s why we do what we do so so grab a
book join the join the movement you know
have a fast metabolism everything is
nutrient dependent your metabolism
regulates everything and if you don’t
spend time to heal it it’s really hard
to be healed yeah it’s so good yeah well
thanks so much haly for coming on so
grateful for you and I just want to say
hey thank you everybody for tuning in
here to the Dr Josh a show remember each
and every week we’re diving deep into
the science and principles behind how to
grow in Body Mind spirit and take your
health and your life to the next level
hey please share this you know there are
millions of women right now and Men
struggling with their metabolism they
can’t lose the weight they’re trying
very hard but don’t know the secrets of
the pathways and the hormones as Dr
Haley shared with us today and so again
want to encourage you share this on
social media please share it via text
message with your family and friends who
need to know this truth and hey thank
you all of you that are subscribing that
are on Mission we’ve got so much more
great content coming your way thanks so
much for watching and listening