Breaking News! His Holiness Pope Francis has failed….. See more TV
there's a somber mood in the Vatican this evening as Pope francis's doctors report that he suffered a prolonged asmatic respiratory crisis this morning it required High flows of oxygen Pope Francis also received blood transfusion that after tests showed that he was suffering a low platelet count and anemia this is the first time that the Vatican has reported that he is in a reserved prognosis meaning that it is touch and go uh and requires closer observation that's said the pope was sitting up he was in his armchair uh by this afternoon uh awake and alert uh but apparently in more pain than he has been at the same time the Vatican hierarchy is trying to Tamp down rumors and speculation about his health whether he might resign given his condition the Vatican Secretary of State spoke to one of Italy's leading newspapers to say this kind of speculation is really inappropriate what is needed are prayers for Pope francis's recovery and return to the Vatican s
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